Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

I once read something about 1 1/2lbs of food per LF per week. When I had just 9 laying pullets a bag used to last me a month.. they seem to eat more these days.. I suppose now that they're bigger they need more (or they're bigger because they eat more
Just filled the 5 liter feeder a few days ago, the first 20kg bag is pretty much empty. We've got four 9-week-old's and two 6-week-old's. I'm guessing we'll go another week until it needs refiling. But we do (over)feed them scraps.
Oz, you master of all things chicken disease: What causes a 9 week old chick to have yellow diarrhea with consistency of water? Mine were all fine yesterday, I found one this morning, extremely lethargic, just laid there... wouldn't budge. Wouldn't eat or drink, just kept pooping non-stop... He just died half an hour ago. I could feel every bone in his body, and I know he wasn't like that before (he was going to be dinner, so I check their fleshyness often). I cleaned the coop and kept him separate, so I'm hoping it's ok now. I have seen no issues in the others.
Yeah, I go through 100 lbs a week and that doesn't count the chick feed and the game bird feed for the pheasants and turkeys. I just hope that DH never decides to do a big cookout.
Oz, you master of all things chicken disease: What causes a 9 week old chick to have yellow diarrhea with consistency of water? Mine were all fine yesterday, I found one this morning, extremely lethargic, just laid there... wouldn't budge. Wouldn't eat or drink, just kept pooping non-stop... He just died half an hour ago. I could feel every bone in his body, and I know he wasn't like that before (he was going to be dinner, so I check their fleshyness often). I cleaned the coop and kept him separate, so I'm hoping it's ok now. I have seen no issues in the others.

Sorry you lost your dinner.

Causes of runny poop.

Kidney damage

Have you wormed your chickens?

I think you posted something about not using antibiotics on your birds.

Yellow diarrhea is often a sign of blackhead or e-coli infection.

I would closely observe the other birds. The first sign of symptoms I would treat but without antibiotics you will just have to see how they go.
well OZ you were spot on again

the rest of my chicks in brooder #4 recovered after i started them on Sulmat

i have white Bresse hatching tonight !

one out so far

i can tell you that my new england whites are really getting big

i traded the 1st 15 for load of firewood

i almost want to keep some around

but i already have a bunch on my plate
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well OZ you were spot on again

the rest of my chicks in brooder #4 recovered after i started them on Sulmat

i have white Bresse hatching tonight !

one out so far

i can tell you that my new england whites are really getting big

i traded the 1st 15 for load of firewood

i almost want to keep some around

but i already have a bunch on my plate
post a pic of your NE Whites if you can

I am glad your birds a recovering
Sorry you lost your dinner.

Causes of runny poop.

Kidney damage

Have you wormed your chickens?

I think you posted something about not using antibiotics on your birds.

Yellow diarrhea is often a sign of blackhead or e-coli infection.

I would closely observe the other birds. The first sign of symptoms I would treat but without antibiotics you will just have to see how they go.

I dewormed the adults a month or so ago, these are only 9 weeks old and the medication I use states to use it only on 11 week olds an up.

There was no blood or worms or anything in the droppings. It was just straight yellow liquid, no solids whatsoever... made me wonder about an obstruction in the crop or further down the 'shoot' so to speak (his crop felt pretty empty). His comb was nice and red even when he passed. Legs were nice and yellow, not anemic looking at all. Eyes were clear, nose too.

I'm just shocked at how fast he went down hill, but I suppose once dehydration sets in it's a done deal. He looked really, REALLY bad. He was so dehydrated you could see the tendons and bones in his legs (the skin was just sunk in around them). He was active the past days, nothing unusual at all.

I'm leaning toward either a very serious disease (E.coli etc.) or he ate something he shouldn't have. Not a whole lot of symptoms to go by. Dehydration is what got him..

Definitely watching the rest very closely... isolate at the first sign of something awry. Cull if needed.

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