Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

post a pic of your NE Whites if you can

I am glad your birds a recovering

these 2 are just young ones

i'll see if i can get a pic of the cockerel that i have in the "meat tractor" tomorrow

I might not be on much for the next 5 weeks , i have a summer class that i am taking & it's rather fast paced

3.5 GPA so far , no too bad for an old guy who hasn't been in school for 25 years.

these 2 are just young ones

i'll see if i can get a pic of the cockerel that i have in the "meat tractor" tomorrow

I might not be on much for the next 5 weeks , i have a summer class that i am taking & it's rather fast paced

3.5 GPA so far , no too bad for an old guy who hasn't been in school for 25 years.

congrats on the gpa old boy

nice birds too

thank you.
I dewormed the adults a month or so ago, these are only 9 weeks old and the medication I use states to use it only on 11 week olds an up.

There was no blood or worms or anything in the droppings. It was just straight yellow liquid, no solids whatsoever... made me wonder about an obstruction in the crop or further down the 'shoot' so to speak (his crop felt pretty empty). His comb was nice and red even when he passed. Legs were nice and yellow, not anemic looking at all. Eyes were clear, nose too.

I'm just shocked at how fast he went down hill, but I suppose once dehydration sets in it's a done deal. He looked really, REALLY bad. He was so dehydrated you could see the tendons and bones in his legs (the skin was just sunk in around them). He was active the past days, nothing unusual at all.

I'm leaning toward either a very serious disease (E.coli etc.) or he ate something he shouldn't have. Not a whole lot of symptoms to go by. Dehydration is what got him..

Definitely watching the rest very closely... isolate at the first sign of something awry. Cull if needed.

What do you deworm with?
We're experiencing semi tropical weather here. The sun is shining, it's +25 degrees Celsius, thunder is roaring, lightning strikes and it's raining cat's and dogs. Our flock is experiencing this kind of weather for the first time, they're all ruffling up their feathers, and the head-tufts on the Araucana-mixes have never been bigger. The meteorological fortunetellers mentioned the possibility of 4cm hail.

Also, yesterday we got our first health-scare, one of the roo's was just standing still under the coop with his eyes closed, making these little shaking moves and sort of looked like a dog that's about to throw up. And his crop was enormous. Hopefully he had just had a bit too big of a dinner, today he's back to normal. But reading all the bad luck all of the people here have gone through I got worried immediately. The better half found my worrying amusing and forbid me from surfing the emergencies threads on BYC. Guess she was right.
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Its 6AM and the kids are out having fun

Good Morning from the CocoBeach Kids

I carried that roller coaster over in my golf bag - a few weeks BC. It travels between Bacolod and the Beach House on the trailer every trip. The kids just love it.
now days they are scheming to set it up on a sloped plywood ramp

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