Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Ok so I just hatched 9 turkey's last week and a few eggs not hatched decided to leave them in the bator and today Alex said mom we should check the bator...and lo and behold...a turkey poult staring up at me with another almost fully pipped outta its shell! I was shocked.
Ok so I just hatched 9 turkey's last week and a few eggs not hatched decided to leave them in the bator and today Alex said mom we should check the bator...and lo and behold...a turkey poult staring up at me with another almost fully pipped outta its shell! I was shocked.
But My Dear, you look So good that way!!!

The "Worminator" is pyrantel - also sold as Combantrin

To remove parasites from the body, the biological differences between worm and mammal are exploited. In the case of members of the roundworm family (the "ascarid" worms), the parasitic worm is attached to the host’s intestine by its tiny teeth and/or suckers. Pyrantel acts as a neuromuscular blocker so that the parasite relaxes its grip, effectively paralyzing the worm so that it loses its attachment. The worm is then passed with the feces into the cold, cruel world. Outside of the host protective body, the worm soon dies. Because the medication is absorbed poorly from the host’s intestine, the host is completely unaffected by the paralysis effect.

You can get it by the pint at Amazon in a generic form
thank you very much for the info! We have a terrible problem here with tape & round worms and I'm always looking for something to rotate with the safeguard, eprinex and valbazen so we don't build up too much immunity in the worms.
got 3 in the brooder about 2 weeks old

they are doing well

will you be looking to add some jubilee's to your PI flock?

How many do you have now? Five or Six?

I am actually hatching some lav orps for HFR right now - day 6 22 doing well,

They will move off the turner on thursday, get put in foam in the incubator and the whole thing will be transferred to her place, running on an inverter in the car
thank you very much for the info! We have a terrible problem here with tape & round worms and I'm always looking for something to rotate with the safeguard, eprinex and valbazen so we don't build up too much immunity in the worms.
My understanding is that tapeworm infestations in chickens are pretty rare but in our environment, I want to be sure

the only decent wormers for tapeworms is valbazen and droncit (praziquantel). you can get praziquantel/ivermectin as a paste horse wormer or tablets on its own or with pyrantel. i think you may need a prescription for it as a tablet.

I am a big fan of ivermectin this week

My boar ( who I am losing patience with) came down with Sarcoptic Mange caused by mites. Ivermectin cured it. We happened to have some coming with our feed delivery on Friday but needed it stat. The nearby agrivet store sold a 2cc syringe worth (in a drinking straw tied with knots) for 45 cents. It worked like magic.
never show that video to my children.... lol
Oz, I'm not making any promises... Looks like an insane sport, I prefer the safer stuff like snowboarding, wall-climbing and archery. Did brake my wrist as a teen snowboarding though, so maybe it isn't that safe after all. You'll just have to get them interested in something less dangerous, like golf (which I'm told is a sport).

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