Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Gustung-gusto ko ang manok. tikman nila tulad ng pusa.
Language in the Philippines is quite intruiging.

The official language is Pilipino based on the language of the area immediately surrounding manila and slightly south. This is the Tagalog "region".

It is the native speaking language of just a small area of the country.

During the Marcos era, there was a decree that this language was to become the universal language of the country and was pushed by the University of the Philippines.

My wife grew up in this era. There was a lot of resistance to being told to give up local languages and speak the imperialistic Tagalog.

Pilipino is taught in schools like French is taught in schools in Oz or the USA - a few hours a week.

All other classes are are with English or Pilipino textbooks but the teachers just teach in the local language.

Its a different story in private schools where kids get both English and Pilipino drilled into them but when Mrs Oz graduated high school she spoke fluent Spanish and to this day her Pilipino is deplorable.

To add further confusion, the language of the courts is English. Laws are written in English and all forms in govt offices, banks and such are in English. Even voting instructions are in English.

While the country has a reputation for everyone being able to speak English, it a fallacy.

Jumping back to Dominic.

He went to school until he was 12. His school would have had virtually no text books 35 kids in a class room sharing 20 desk spaces. He lived in a one room house that's maybe 10x10 without a father. There was no exposure to TV.

He can barely read but texts phonetically.

Bernie was worse but his wife is well educated.

Dominic and Bernie are the norm. Imagine how little chance people of their socioeconomic standing have if they cannot even follow instructions to open a bank account or vote correctly.

Dominic's hiligaynon is very "deep". My wife, because of exposure to other languages speaks a bastardized version and cannot understand some of the words he uses.

Margie, the Nannie of Antonia is our " universal translator."

She grew up in the markets of Kabankalan so speaks deep hiligaynon (also known as ilonggo), Pilipino because she lived and worked as a Nanny in Manila and English because she did a bachelors degree in Education at the University my wife's grandfather founded.
As we go pro we need to assess how we are going to handle sales as well as space.

Based on most inquiries, peoples budgets indicate that day old chicks are the best way to go from both a logistically and survivability point of view.

"Conditions of Sale

Sexing of chickens is not an exact science and can be very difficult with some breeds. CocoBeach Farms sells most chickd and juvenile birds as straight run meaning as they come out of the brooder or grow out pens. The exception to this condition is sex-linked hybrids and auto-sexing breeds such as Cream Legbars, which are identified more easily at birth.

Birds that are shipped airport to airport will be shipped on last flight or first flight out of Bacolod at our discretion. While we do everything in our power to ensure the arrival of live, healthy birds we cannot be responsible for the handling of birds by airlines. There is no recourse available to us nor you for birds that die in transit. Birds are shipped solely at buyer's risk.

CocoBeach Farms, in the event of birds losses on flight will try at their discretion to replace birds if greater than 25% loss in transit subject to the buyer paying additional shipping. Photos of dead birds, shipping box and cargo terminal prior to leaving the cargo terminal and emailed or MMS messaged immediately. Replacement will be subject to availability of product and at a timetable suitable to CocoBeach Farms.

We recommend shipping birds as day olds or at >12 weeks for best survivability.

We do not hold birds without deposit. Day old chicks will be incubated on order. A 20% deposit is required for us to incubate the eggs. Allow up to five weeks for shipping. You will be given a week's notice that the hatch is expected. The balance will be due on following Thursday by 4pm. Failure to pay balance by then will forfeit the order. Chicks will be shipped on Sunday night. To accommodate orders we have to hatch extra chicks. These will be available as juveniles on a first come first serve basis. Payment will be required on order.

Sexed point of lay birds are rarely available as we don't have the facilities to grow out large quantities of birds."

I will clean this up a bit and add it to all inquiries
Its been a very wet Sunday. Upgrades have been slim pickings so I am staying one more week to try and get at least half the roof replaced before I leave. Right now the rain is horizontal at at about an inch an hour. Its actually cold lol.

Hopefully the storms will have settled down by Tuesday. Tomorrow will be a six hour return trip to Bacolod to drop the kids off at school and buy 1600 square feet of plastic ribbed roofing
Great news! It was not the white lady that made waysan leave. It turns out he wanted to chase skirts and gamble at the cock fighting arena more than work.

Bad news. The replacement guy is working for the duck man and I don't want to poach off friends.

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