Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Great news! It was not the white lady that made waysan leave. It turns out he wanted to chase skirts and gamble at the cock fighting arena more than work.

Bad news. The replacement guy is working for the duck man and I don't want to poach off friends.
Great news about the white lady, and I'm sure the duck man is happy that you don't poach
. Good luck with the rain.
The rain has settled into a drizzle. By morning the place will look like we just had a light shower.

Finding the right replacement for waysan is more important than just filling the position. I would rather use day labourers at a higher rate of pay as we need them rather than upset the dynamics.

We will eventually get the right person.

On Wednesday we will send Dominic off again to find another candidate or two.
The language thing... wow. Hooray for Margie.

Good news about the white lady, although haunted places can be quite the tourist attraction

Hope you find some folks that are willing to stay a bit longer...
Happy Monday morning to those arising across the Pacific.

Today was a killer. We left home at 4am but our daughter had nightmares last night and had us all up at midnight so we had three hours sleep.

I managed to get thirty sheets of roofing on the trailer and hauled it home. It was 12 hours round trip with doing a few extra bits while we were in the city. Mrs Oz and I are sitting like zombies about to have a Malaysian Tiger beer and fish n chips for dinner.

More money was deposited in my bank account by buyers today. I will ship Wed night and get another load of roofing Thursday morning. Hopefully being back by end of lunch break.
Dominic has made his cash portion of his salary in bonuses already for July.

I had another request for 500 brown egg layer chicks today that I cannot fill.

I am desperate for birds to grow up and start laying.

My first grow out pen is starting to look like a grown up pen as there are many jerseys and monster BBS Orpington in there that are 12-¹6 weeks of age.

I figure I have about 7 months before I have enough layers to get 600 eggs a month and 9 months to get 1600. I don't think I will have trouble selling 2000 pullet chicks a month. That's 5000+ eggs and 300 hens.

My next trip will be all eggs I can use in sex link breeding. Maybe 100 each of new Hampshire, silver laced Wyandotte, and RIR.

I honestly can't believe I am even talking these numbers. The whole thing is scary.
The little snowflake is starting to resemble a ball and gaining momentum. Soon you'll have to expand. And you can start selling the byproducts too, because there's a limit to how much you can compost onsite without the stench that accompanies such a venture. Unless you enjoy having your coffee together with eau de poop.

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