Give me pictures of your chickens and I'll try to sex them

Buff Sussex 7 weeks old

I don't have any pictures currently, but am interested in sexing my 5 Black Copper Marans. I think I have 3 cockerels and 2 pullets, but they have conflicting characteristics.

The 3 potential cockerels are larger with red combs, but they are also significantly more feathered out. Three weeks old. Long tails, wings, back, etc. All have heavier leg feathering as well. I think I saw some copper on the wing of one. The biggest started roosting behavior about a week before other chicks started.

The 2 potential pullets are smaller, with more down and less feathers. Paler combs.

Aren't pullets supposed to feather out much faster, with the males having the raggedy patches of down? Except for the feathering, all signs point to 3 cockerels + 2 pullets.
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