Glad to finally be a Backyard chicken member!


May 13, 2015

I'm not real computer savvy, so please excuse any mistakes I make...

I have looked to this site many times in the last year for information on raising my chicks and making sure my hen's crazy antics were ok. I can't thank you all enough for your input on critical issues. I also enjoy the light hearted banter:)

I have 3 Barred Rock hens and 1 White Rock hen. They are all a year old. I just purchased 2 more Barred and 4 more White chicks. (My husband thought we needed a complete basketball team.) I have learned more in the past year with my hens than I ever thought possible. I love my Ladies so much!

With tons of research beforehand, we purchased a poultry electro net to keep the Girls safe. Best purchase ever! (Yesterday at 2 p.m. I saw a beautiful fox by the coop. He must have gotten a good pop on the nose from the fence as he quickly ran away.) Out of PVC pipes, we built a moveable overhead structure with bird netting to keep flying predators out. It's a unique system, but works great as we can walk upright inside the run (my husband is 6' 2") and tend to the Ladies.

My life is simple, but crazy. We live way out in the country, have a large garden, 4 dogs, 5 cats, 4 hens, 6 chicks and 7 grandbabies that love to help with everything. What more could a person ask for?!

Thanks for letting me take the time to introduce myself to you as a new member of the site. And, thanks again for all the wonderful information you share!

So thankful for this community of Chicken lovers,

Lori (Grandchick10)
Very nice to meet you Lori, so glad you joined the Backyard chickens flock. I am not familiar with that type of fencing. Do the chickens get shocked also if they brush up against it? I would love to see your overhead moveable structure and I bet others would as well. Always looking for something to prevent attacks.
Hi :welcome Lori

Glad you could join the flock! Many of us were lurkers before joining up, I was one for 2 years and wish now I had joined sooner. I have loved reading your intro and your set up sounds fantastic to keep predators out and your chickens safe. Your life does sound fantastic and all anyone could wish for. Sounds right up my street that kind of life. Having kids help you out too with the chickens is great and a hobby all the family can enjoy.

Wishing you the very best of luck in the future, be sure to ask any questions that you may have. Everyine here to help and very friendly.
Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow

Glad you joined us. I too am eager to see your predator prevention setup.

Good luck with all your chicken plans!
Beware of foxes. They will definitely show you any weaknesses you have in your poultry containment system.

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