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GMOs are implicated in several problems with health, both personal and environmental, ... and with sociopolitical issues! such as good Farmers being harshly harassed and sued out of business or subjugated in several countries incl USA and Canada - google for detail - (while considering motives of your sources)...even start from Monsanto's POV at their own website. More I learn the more I consider Monsanto a great Devil. Wikipedia has some middle of road articles; try starting with famous and representative case of Monsanto vs Schmeiser,
Research published on GMOs is apparently much suppressed in USA. Note however most of Europe essentially or utterly bans most (not quite all) of them, (infuriating US interests). In Europe all food products must be labeled if have any GMO over 1% and I understand currently only a couple GMOs (some GM corn gene, and a potato) have any allowance in most of Europe, esp Spain's corn crops). Japan, INdia, and Brazil seriously regulate GMOs. But here in USA we have no labeling, and huge percentage of common foods are GM (Genetically Modified). Most of us have heard of Canola/Rape, Corn , and Soy being GM, but also Sugar beets, Potatoes, Zucchini, Alfalfa, and others are now GMOs, many in high percentages comprising foods off U.S. shelves. Some wheat now. I dont retain 'statistical numbers well, but I yet recall c. 90 percent of cooking oils, (found in so many products) and so on has come from GMOs. Feeds for livestock are generally heavy with GMOs so the GM DNA passes on into our meats and eggs, oh and also cheeses (through non-bovine GM rennet) I've read the percentages but don't retain these figures in my head other than they were generally high and usually way over half market share of most above mentioned foods. A good note, I suppose, is that reputedly refined sugars and purified oils from GM crops do not pass on the genetically altered DNA when ingested.
Studies on health are not yet fully understood nor seems there yet a wide consensus , but some health issues are of concern including livestock reproduction disorders and human allergies seem to well enough documented. And that a protein in many GMOs including a Monsanto corn actually destroys human cells, even in low concentrations. Potential for human DNA alteration is evidently a risk, even from say eating meats of animals who ate GM feed...but I'm unclear on details of effects, not sure researchers are yet either - it's a new situation yet. Of course Monsanto argues that GM DNAs are safe because DNA is "naturally occurring". I guess that argument is meant for those who have NO understanding of what is DNA. Why do they fight SO so hard, (and reportedly they do spend huge sums fighting offensively and defensively in courts and with governments and in political campaigns), to HIDE information and deny labeling and sue folks choosing to grow non GMO foods etc etc? "Me thinks they do protest too much."

It's pretty disturbing, and I say we ought be concerned, and wary of GMOs. Or turn a blind eye if you prefer, but not I. I say shed light on the truth, look at it straight on, and then act appropriately in good conscience.

RugenrGooser is right in that all this can feel overwhelming and but that we can also start at home growing our own, raising our own foods some, and so forth. I say also we can also reconsider some and make new improved choices about what we choose off the store shelves. Don't stop at being merely dismayed - "crazy" as RG said; information is powerful; the ability to make informed choices far outweighs uniformed non-choices. If it means readjusting, well... ...I know, we're all a little lazy about that. But.... It is well a path to improving one's health, one's family and environment, even one's spiritual path. Certainly "Doing the Right Thing" -whatever one deems that to be- is easier when one is informed. And we do have the power to do that more easily or fully near home, as RG suggests. Be grateful for being conscious and aware, and yet relatively free to choose...(try imagining living in Bangladesh, China, Afghanistan, Bahrain, etc. OY!), and we might go beyond being merely dismayed or driven crazy.

Okay so I ranted a little. More I learn about GMOs the more want to avoid them, not just for health, but not supporting the efforts of Monsanto et al. And I suggest you might be well to avoid them, too.

Answering miss Lydia: I procure my grains locally. Our area is a priced higher than national average, but I still find it affordable - pretty much an even wash in cost. esp when I compared to organic and non organic feeds which obtained at local feed store (which I had used initially). Quality poor in my esteem yet still pricey those feeds, yet pretty much the same costs as superior human grade for an half way careful shopper. Organic grains come from local co-op (which gives 10% discount on full bulk bags), for organic grains (wheats, corn) and conventional rice, oats, barley from local wholesaler catering to restaurants and such (but general public welcome - "Cash 'n Carry" in our case). (Not a bad place to save some on my, or your, own food bills too!). Unfortunately they carry only a few organics, though do carry a many of BobsRedMill products, which are pretty decent quality.

Ruarc...I couldn,t agree more. The US was trying to pawn off GMO foods to Europe and they flat refused. There were also third world countries where we have numbers of people starving and they even refused it. The refusal of such says alot. Currently, we do have some organic farmers trying to go up against Monsanto in court. Gmo corn has been messed with so much that now some farmers are experiencing a type of "corn cancer" in their crops. An alkali state in the human body does not let cancer survive. It would only stand to reason it would be the same for the corn, but the fact is the problem stems from the genetic modification over and over again. If it affects the crops, it will affect animals and humans as well. Yes...Monsanto is BAD, BAD, BAD!!!!!!!!!
Ruarc...I couldn,t agree more. The US was trying to pawn off GMO foods to Europe and they flat refused. There were also third world countries where we have numbers of people starving and they even refused it. The refusal of such says alot. Currently, we do have some organic farmers trying to go up against Monsanto in court. Gmo corn has been messed with so much that now some farmers are experiencing a type of "corn cancer" in their crops. An alkali state in the human body does not let cancer survive. It would only stand to reason it would be the same for the corn, but the fact is the problem stems from the genetic modification over and over again. If it affects the crops, it will affect animals and humans as well. Yes...Monsanto is BAD, BAD, BAD!!!!!!!!!
and very very wealthy.
Wealthy is relative term, Lydia, isn't it? (Financial wealth is not the only richness in Life.)
Great news for Medicine. more people taking drugs because of the GMO's we consume.
Keeps big Pharma happy.
The idea that GMO grain makes animals go sterile in absolutely laughable. I have a large dairy farm, we grow all our own feed and feed them nothing but gmo feed. The Alfalfa, soybean meal, and corn are all roundup ready. My reproduction rates are as good as any organic farms. People are so misinformed about technology on today's farms, I feel like it is the field where progress is frowned upon. People want to see a guy with bib overalls and a straw hat milking cows by hand and that's just not reality. Unless people want to start spending 2-3 times what they spend now on groceries we are going to have to start accepting some of these modern advancements. We are going to have to figure out how to feed the fastest growing population the world has ever seen, if we just sit on our lourls The US has the safest food supply in the world.
The idea that GMO grain makes animals go sterile in absolutely laughable. I have a large dairy farm, we grow all our own feed and feed them nothing but gmo feed. The Alfalfa, soybean meal, and corn are all roundup ready. My reproduction rates are as good as any organic farms. People are so misinformed about technology on today's farms, I feel like it is the field where progress is frowned upon. People want to see a guy with bib overalls and a straw hat milking cows by hand and that's just not reality. Unless people want to start spending 2-3 times what they spend now on groceries we are going to have to start accepting some of these modern advancements. We are going to have to figure out how to feed the fastest growing population the world has ever seen, if we just sit on our lourls The US has the safest food supply in the world.

I agree, however stating facts, figures, and observations into a "discussion" with rabid fanatics is like wrestling with a pig-------you get dragged down into the mud and the pig enjoys it.
#1 It has not been proven that growing Round Up Ready crops is a better way.
Technology is not always so wonderful. Mankind has been known to screw up.
#2 The long term effects of consuming GMO products is not known.
#3 Clearly on going research studies do not support your opinion on GMO's safety.
#4 I don't want to be Monsanto's Guinea Pig and have every right not to be.
#5 Speaking of rabid...ever hear of what Monstonas agenda, strong arm tactics and government ties?
Last but not least...we'll just have to agree to disagree won't we?
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