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#1 It has not been proven that growing Round Up Ready crops is a better way.
Technology is not always so wonderful. Mankind has been known to screw up.
#2 The long term effects of consuming GMO products is not known.
#3 Clearly on going research studies do not support your opinion on GMO's safety.
#4 I don't want to be Monsanto's Guinea Pig and have every right not to be.
#5 Speaking of rabid...ever hear of what Monstonas agenda, strong arm tactics and government ties?
Last but not least...we'll just have to agree to disagree won't we?
Yes we will.
There are studies showing harmful effects of GMOs and plenty enough of farmers who notice fertility rates reduced. Already. This is already documented...and I lay odds that more such documentation is on way. Some are fortunate to not notice differences. good for them. others not. (perhaps analogous to exposure to radiation; SOME more than average will be more inclined to get cancer.)
i refuse to use GMOs and I DESERVE and have a RIGHT TO THE CHOICE.
~ Ruarc
Research Reveals Previously Unknown Pathway by which Glyphosate Wrecks Health.

  • While Monsanto insists that Roundup is safe and “minimally toxic” to humans, new research argues that glyphosate residues on and in food enhance the damaging effects of other food-borne chemical residues and environmental toxins to disrupt normal body functions and induce disease
  • Glyphosate inhibits enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of organic substances, which, according to the researchers, is an overlooked component of its toxicity to mammals
  • The currently accepted dogma is that glyphosate is not harmful to humans because the shikimate pathway is absent in all animals. However, this pathway is present in both human and mammal’s gut bacteria, which play a massively important and heretofore largely overlooked role in human physiology
  • Rather than using in vitro DNA modification, a new breed of genetically engineered wheat is designed to produce double-strand RNA, by which the plant can silence specific genes. Research has shown that molecules created in the plant, intended to silence wheat genes to change its carbohydrate content, can match a large number of human genes and potentially turn them off as well.
Cottage Rose,

I recently found that study on another website, too. I find it rather interesting.

This is the website where I found it.

And here is a link to some videos interviewing Stephanie Seneff, one of the scientists who participated in the study.

And here is the link to the journal article.
(Look on the left-hand side and click on Full Text PDF to download the entire study for free.)
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Lucky you! I'm finding the organic feed way too expensive for the amount of geese I have.
I drove over 100 miles round trip for organic feed for my flock and they refused to eat it. I had to end up buying Purina Flock raiser again and mixing it so they would eat all the organic. way too expensive for that.
I drove over 100 miles round trip for organic feed for my flock and they refused to eat it. I had to end up buying Purina Flock raiser again and mixing it so they would eat all the organic. way too expensive for that.

I had the same problem, paid twice as much and they wouldn't eat it.
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