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I did not read anything about EDC's not being a problem. Where did that come from Clint? Cottage Rose has only been talking about GMO's so far. She has said nothing about EDC's.
I did not read anything about EDC's not being a problem. Where did that come from Clint? Cottage Rose has only been talking about GMO's so far. She has said nothing about EDC's.
Why the separation....EDC are a real do you know the difference?

Well I certainly would have concerns for both.
How do you know which is the problem?
I'm not a scientist so I really can't say for certain
but I would suggest to look at the empirical evidence and decide for yourself.
As a scientist...I am MUCH more concerned about EDCs....but you want to lump them rogether.

Clint I'm not sure what you're thinking here.
I haven't said anything about EDC's so I don't know how I'm lumping anything together.
I'm merely sharing information about GMO's.
I thought this was a forum that you can share information on and people can read it if they like or not. Their choice to read or not to read. Why is there a question about EDC's that was not even discussion on EDC's. Cottage Rose did not make any mention of lumping them together you were the one who brought that up.

If you are a scientist then if you have information please feel free to put that information on the forum and share it with us. No one yet on here has talked about EDC's that I have read. This is the first I have heard of and want to know what they are????
Make sure to explain just what they are and your concerns since you are a scientist please.
For us who do not know about some of these things and are not scientist would appreciate any and all information about the EDC's. Thank you.
I thought this was a forum that you can share information on and people can read it if they like or not. Their choice to read or not to read. Why is there a question about EDC's that was not even discussion on EDC's. Cottage Rose did not make any mention of lumping them together you were the one who brought that up.

If you are a scientist then if you have information please feel free to put that information on the forum and share it with us. No one yet on here has talked about EDC's that I have read. This is the first I have heard of and want to know what they are????
Make sure to explain just what they are and your concerns since you are a scientist please.
For us who do not know about some of these things and are not scientist would appreciate any and all information about the EDC's. Thank you.
Please Clint could you clarify what EDC's are???? I would like to know??? Since you brought the subject up please explain what they are for me to learn about them. I am learning what GMO's are so now would like to know what EDC's are.

Why are you saying that Cottage Rose is pushing a political agenda when all she is doing is putting up literature for people to read if they want to or not want to. What is wrong with finding new literature maybe not posted before here and posting it?
What has politics have to do with this???? It is just information......
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basic description...............lots of reading if you want to really get into it.
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are synthetic chemicals that interfere with naturally produced hormones, the body's chemical messengers, that control how an organism develops and functions.

Many manufactured chemicals mimic natural hormones and send false messages. Other synthetic compounds block the messages and prevent true messages from getting through.

Some cause disruption by preventing the synthesis of the body's own hormones or by accelerating their breakdown and excretion. Some EDCs are persistent in the environment and bioaccumulate; they accumulate in the fatty tissue of organisms and increase in concentration as they move up through the food web.
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