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Lets just hope the USA can do the same thing soon. Or at the very least make GMO food be labeled as such.
I read my labels and its scary how many food products have soy oil in them. Just about every packaged food!
Another thing to avoid is partially hydrogenated oil. Worse trans fat you can put in your body.
Butter, eggs, cream and lard aren't what cause heart disease, its processed vegetable oils and margarine.
(warning - angry old army vet post coming up)

Monsanto is evil.

I found out a few months ago, that at the base I trained at, we were exposed to massive amounts of toxins dumped there by monsanto. (We won't even mention here the extra poisons heaped on by the government I trusted at the time) At 38, I basically have the systems of someone twenty years older. Teeth fell out at 30, fertility issues, and a host of other stuff that's "all in my head". I'm an agent orange veteran, and I never set foot in Vietnam. Our lovely VA is denying claims. We need support for HR 411. No one in any official capacity told me. It was by pure chance on a facebook group, and that's wrong. Thousands are dying, and no one cares.

If anyone is remotely interested, have a search for Ft. McClellan toxic veterans, or toxic Anniston Alabama. They aren't just testing their poisons on crops, they've been dumping it into people in vast quantities for YEARS.
(warning - angry old army vet post coming up)

Monsanto is evil.

I found out a few months ago, that at the base I trained at, we were exposed to massive amounts of toxins dumped there by monsanto. (We won't even mention here the extra poisons heaped on by the government I trusted at the time) At 38, I basically have the systems of someone twenty years older. Teeth fell out at 30, fertility issues, and a host of other stuff that's "all in my head". I'm an agent orange veteran, and I never set foot in Vietnam. Our lovely VA is denying claims. We need support for HR 411. No one in any official capacity told me. It was by pure chance on a facebook group, and that's wrong. Thousands are dying, and no one cares.

If anyone is remotely interested, have a search for Ft. McClellan toxic veterans, or toxic Anniston Alabama. They aren't just testing their poisons on crops, they've been dumping it into people in vast quantities for YEARS.
My dh is a Vietnam vet and does volunteer work for DAV he says there is work going on about claims but it takes for ever, so very sorry this has happened to you and so many others that have given their all for our country.
(warning - angry old army vet post coming up)

Monsanto is evil.

I found out a few months ago, that at the base I trained at, we were exposed to massive amounts of toxins dumped there by monsanto. (We won't even mention here the extra poisons heaped on by the government I trusted at the time) At 38, I basically have the systems of someone twenty years older. Teeth fell out at 30, fertility issues, and a host of other stuff that's "all in my head". I'm an agent orange veteran, and I never set foot in Vietnam. Our lovely VA is denying claims. We need support for HR 411. No one in any official capacity told me. It was by pure chance on a facebook group, and that's wrong. Thousands are dying, and no one cares.

If anyone is remotely interested, have a search for Ft. McClellan toxic veterans, or toxic Anniston Alabama. They aren't just testing their poisons on crops, they've been dumping it into people in vast quantities for YEARS.
My husband too is a Vietnam vet as well. I am so sorry to hear what you went through without knowing!!! I personally want to Thank you for what you have done for you country as a soldier!!!!!
Longest-Running GMO Safety Study Finds Tumors in Rats

Monsanto’s Roundup-Ready corn caused a host of negative health effects in rats, including tumors and premature death.

Read more:

We all know studies can be flawed...I don't need empirical evidence to know consuming GMO products is probably not a good idea.
The naysayers don't bother me and I don't need studies to prove what I know in my heart is right or not right FOR ME.
So if I chose to not consume GMO's, processed vegetable oils, partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup and tons of chemicals
I guess that's my choice
and if I feel its bad for my livestock as well, I can spend MY money on more expensive organic feed because I'm paying for it, not you.
If you think I'm an idiot for doing that, oh well.
And guess what else... I can even share my beliefs (right or wrong) on public God Bless BYC and USA for allowing me freedom of speech.

Last but not least my heart goes out to Bitterroot and the vets who have been chemically poisoned then deserted by the military/government.
I personally know a vet whose health has been destroyed by Agent Orange and its inexcusable and tragic how the military has kicked him to the curb
and oh yeh its "all in his head" too.
My prayers are with you.
And yes Monsanto is insidious and most evil.
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