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Thanks for the links.
A lot depends on climate, the size of your parcel and soil quality.

Nothing is growing four months of the year here. I do however, make use of every square inch for growing things for the chickens to eat and rotate their feeding plots.
Thanks for the links.
A lot depends on climate, the size of your parcel and soil quality.

Nothing is growing four months of the year here. I do however, make use of every square inch for growing things for the chickens to eat and rotate their feeding plots.
Sounds like here, I'm growing fodder for mine now, hope to be able to start feeding them this week. just wish I had the room to do it on a bigger scale.
A September 2012 study conducted by Giles-Eric Seralini of Caen University a found an increased risk of tumors and adverse toxicological effects from Monsanto's corn, NH 603 and its patented herbicide RoundUp. The two year study was a duplication of Monsanto's own "safety" study, with the only difference being that Monsanto's study was only conducted for 90 days. Adverse affects showed up in the fourth month, incidentally. In the year that followed, Seralini and his study came under relentless attack by industry and mainstream media despite the transparency and full disclosure of data by Seralini and his scientific team.

Two months ago, in an unprecedented decision by the journal, Food, Chemical & Toxicology, this study was retracted for "inconclusiveness".

It was discovered that "11 of the authors of letters to the editor slamming Séralini’s study had undisclosed financial relationships with Monsanto."

Read more:‬ ‪#‎HumanHealth‬ ‪#‎GEFood‬ ‪#‎Food‬
This breeding is just so they are with more meat for people to eat.... If that bull looks like that what will their meat do to human's....??????
That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.

The breed is called the Belgian Blue. Yes, they are bred that way. It's called 'double muscling'. No that does not mean they have two of each muscle. It's a gene that makes the muscles grow twice as big. Do you really think that eating the meat from this breed will incorporate that gene into your DNA? I suggest you look into how the physiology of your digestive system works.
Do you really think that eating the meat from this breed will incorporate that gene into your DNA?

Very rude to call other people "ignorant" and RURU didn't say eating the meat from the breed in question would quote: "incorporate that gene into your DNA"
she merely questioned what it would do to you.
No need for name calling just because you don't agree with somebody's concern.
The thought was implied wasn't it? Just like you saying I called RURU ignorant when I said that what they said was ignorant.

Its not name calling. If an adult can't take criticism they shouldn't be involved in this discussion.
You said what RURU posted was the most ignorant think you've ever read so that's not implying she's ignorant?
Lets not assume what the meaning is behind what others say when you have no way of knowing what a person means, especially based on such a general comment.
You were putting words on RURU's mouth and if you can't handle that fact maybe it is you that shouldn't be involved in this discussion.
That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.

The breed is called the Belgian Blue. Yes, they are bred that way. It's called 'double muscling'. No that does not mean they have two of each muscle. It's a gene that makes the muscles grow twice as big. Do you really think that eating the meat from this breed will incorporate that gene into your DNA? I suggest you look into how the physiology of your digestive system works.
Thank you for calling me ignorant. This is wonderful that other people call names to people. When you do that it also says something about your character as a person. Instead of educating me on this you just call me a name. Enough said!!!
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