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I can't say for certain that the GMO had anything to do with it but I do think it did. I would appreciate any helpful advice on feeding chicken home made/mixed feed. So far mine are doing fine but if anyone sees that I'm missing something please speak up. Thanks.

P.S. Going to go give that home grown meal worm article a hard look. I know they love them.
Great testimony and how nice that you figured out a solution to your problem.

Even if your problems weren't caused by GMO products it does seem that the
quality of commerical feed is often dubious and sometimes downright dangerous
when you unfortunately end up with some contaminated feed or feed that has improper
amounts of certain ingredients like what happened recently with the Muzuri feed.
Obviously your homemade feed is working although you might be lacking in some
nutrients. You might want to look into Fertrell Poultry Nutri Balancer, Aragonite and Kelp Meal.
I have a recipe for 16% layer feed on my website's tip page you might want to check out.
Thank you! I will do that. I was lucky during the last two major dog food recalls that I wasn't feeding any of the affected brands. I was feeding Blue Buffalo. I have 14 cats on Iams now but that could change pending more research. My recipe I am feeding now was from another chicken mom who changed her feed for the same reasons. She at that time told me that she would probably be adding more and different things to her chicken's feed. Do to some of the articles I have decided that I will increase their sunflower seed for sure.
I keep getting the DNS look up error. I can only get to the home page. :(
I'll be watching closely. I already took my chickens off of commercial feed and their health, laying has gotten better and the mutant eggs have stopped.
I just saw this thread and did not read through all of it but I am very interested in info on GMOs.
There are several movies that discuss food and what is being done to it in this country, Food Inc and King Corn come to mind (both were available on Netflix). Also, for anyone in CA, there will be an amendment on the ballot on 11/6 I think its Proposition 37. This prop would require companies to label food containing GMOs, just label, not change anything. Things that happen in CA tend to be picked up by the rest of the country, eventually.

I think GMOs are scary. They are illegal in much of Europe due to consumer protests. One thing that has stuck with me for several years after seeing both of the movies I listed is that in one of them the government of Japan was quoted as saying that they will "watch the children of the US for 10 years" to see what effect GMOs have before they decide whether or not they will start using them.

Californians: Vote YES on 37!

(just had to add that)
I just saw this thread and did not read through all of it but I am very interested in info on GMOs.
There are several movies that discuss food and what is being done to it in this country, Food Inc and King Corn come to mind (both were available on Netflix). Also, for anyone in CA, there will be an amendment on the ballot on 11/6 I think its Proposition 37. This prop would require companies to label food containing GMOs, just label, not change anything. Things that happen in CA tend to be picked up by the rest of the country, eventually.

I think GMOs are scary. They are illegal in much of Europe due to consumer protests. One thing that has stuck with me for several years after seeing both of the movies I listed is that in one of them the government of Japan was quoted as saying that they will "watch the children of the US for 10 years" to see what effect GMOs have before they decide whether or not they will start using them.

Californians: Vote YES on 37!

(just had to add that)
In the link I posted it shows the countries where there are no GMO's I hope this prop passes in Cal. and then the rest of the country takes it up. GMO are very scary.
Lydia just wondering if you are still feeding the purina flock raiser? Or have you found a better solution. I too am trying to get GMO free. I bought the only organic feed I could find and my chickens do not like it at all, and I had to pay 30.00 a bag. Plus from what I hear just because its Organic doesn't mean it's GMO free.
Horrible what they do to our food. God made it right the first time the more they mess with it the more they screw it up.
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