Goat Emergency!!! ~ Happy Updates ~ PICTURES =-)


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 30, 2010
In the Country
~I finally got a goat today. A little nanny pygmy. I got her home this evening right before dark and she jumped out of my hands and ran into the woods. She came back out and was standing by the horses but ran again when we tried to approach her. We have 10 acres and there is woods all around but not like deep woods. There are like people all around every 100 yrds or so. The people down the road have these dogs that just roam wild and they killed 3 of my chickens a month ago and I am terrified that they will find her and kill her!!! She runs like a flippin' deer! How on earth am I going to catch her???? Should I wait till morning. I have the neighbors 16 yr old son out helping me and my husband and I am calling everyone that lives within 5 miles of us.

Any tips???? Please help me. I am in tears and just feel awful!
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I have been walking around shaking grain in a metal bucket the whole time. I had it when she ran the last time before we couldn't see her anymore. It is very dark out tonight.

Will she "maaaa" during dark? Will she be still and wait until morning?
Bucket of corn or maybe some hay, mine would rather have hay. Put a rope with a slip knot in one end by the bucket of feed and stand back When she steps in the loop snatch it tight around her leg if you can even get that close. I hope you catch her. She's likely just scared. It'll take a while for a goat to warm up to a new owner sometimes if they are very wild.
Do you know anyone else with goats? She'll likely come around if you had a goat or two tied up in her pen. I would certainly start looking for her at daybreak. I wish you luck. I know how worried you must be.
jojo has the right idea. If you know of anyone with a goat that you can borrow. The mouthier the goat the better. The goat might attract her.
I hope you get lucky and find her with your horses in the morning. Put feed and water out for her. Good Luck!
It is almost 11pm and we still haven't found her. I have my dogs in the kennel and I let everyone else know so that hopefully they will all put their dogs up so no one chases her even farther off tonight. I am hoping she will just go to sleep and be still and quiet until daylight. I will be up as soon as you can see outside looking. There is one man (the one with the dogs that killed my chickens I mentioned) with a nanny goat. I am going to see if she went to her or if I can use her to walk around and look for my goat.

I hope we find her. I was already in love with her. She is probably terrified. *fingers crossed* and some extra praying tonight.
One of my does flipped out when I changed from a plastic dish to a metal dish. The sound of grain hitting metal scared the bejeebers out of her. She may be afraid of the noise you're making. Just a thought. She's probably enjoying the salad bar in the woods. I hope you spot her this morning. Good luck!
SHE CAME HOME!!! I got up at daybreak and went out looking. After an hour I heard her and she was coming out of the woods. I still can't catch her but she lets me get real close. She is eating away at grass, hay and my flowers! LOL But that is OK. I am just glad she is OK!
That's great news! Maybe if you bring out a loaf of bread you could toss a slice to her, then turn around and walk toward the barn so she doesn't think you're chasing her. Then stop and when she's watching you, toss another slice and take a few steps toward the barn. If she starts following you, don't try to catch her...just let her follow you into a paddock or something and close the door. She probably won't follow you into a dark barn or shed. I'm assuming she has no collar on. If she's used to getting bread treats, she may come with just the crinkle of the bread bag.

Good luck!

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