Goat Emergency!!! ~ Happy Updates ~ PICTURES =-)

I would not give her bread. It could quickly cause acidosics (sp?)!!! Yikes. In a short while I think you may be able to lure her into a pen with the pellets or grain...don't over over feed her on the grain. You don't know what she's been used to eating.

If only you had another goat to make her feel more comfortable. I worried about her off and on through out the night myself, that'll teach me to check this site right before I go to bed!

Keep us posted. I think she'll follow you into the pen. Have your gate open, etc. So you can make one fluid, quick trip into the pen if you get her interested in following you.

Good Luck...Keep us posted.
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Many reputable breeders give them bread for treat. Not as a main staple of course. I give mine stale bread on occasion. If I were in your situation I would be most concerned with getting her to a safe place. I'd rather give her bread than risk a dog attack. If that means luring her with bread...or apples...or cookies...that's what I would do. JMO

any progress?

ETA...I'm not saying a whole pkg of cookies (animal) or an entire loaf of bread... common sense is assumed.
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Thanks for all the advice. I still haven't caught her yet. She is just hanging out in the front yard. She likes the horses and dogs. She was sleeping curled up next to our dog eariler. She will 'maaaa' back to you if you 'maaaa' to her. It is SO cute!

I tried to slip a rope around her when I put out a water bucket for her but she is quick and small so she escaped my capture.
lol We will get her though. I just don't want to scare her or make her think I am chasing her. I have tried bread, carrots, grain, hay and celery but there is plenty to eat in the yard. She isn't falling for the food trick just yet.

I am just so happy she didn't run off where we couldn't find her. When I was out looking for her this morning before she came out I saw a coyote down in the back of the field. I scared him off though. Luckily we have never had any trouble with them killing any of our animals. I will feel so much better when I have her in a safe area for the night though!

I am going to get her a billy pygmy from another lady. I didn't want to get a billy from the same place I got her because I thought they might be brother and sister.

BTW, her name is Clover and I will try to take pictures of her as soon as I can.
My pigmy goats absouletly love ice cream cones and soda crackers....they climb up me for them. This is a treat only. Glad you caught her.
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