Going outside


Mar 6, 2017
Southeast Tennessee
Once i have my coop built when can my chickens go outside full time? It's about 80 degrees now. But I'm not sure how old they are. They are getting feathers now though on their tails and and their wings.
What temperature are they kept at currently? They can go out when they are acclimated to the outdoor temperatures, and or they are mostly feathered.
It's about 70 degrees in the house right now. I had a lamp on them when they first arrived but I think they were already like 3-4 weeks old maybe and they were getting really hot with the lamp on them. And I'm the mornings it's 65ish and about 80 right now in the afternoons. What do I need to do? They still have quite a bit of down on them. I'm new to the chicken game. But I have quail and they are about 3-4 weeks old when I put them outside.
Can you post a photo? Not knowing the age makes it rough, but I’d be OK with 4 week olds outside in those temperatures as long as they can get out of rain and wind.
I've had my chicks most of the day outside since they were about 2 weeks old.

Now that they are 3-6 weeks old(mixed ages in the flock) they spend all day outside and go back in the coop before dark.

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