Gold Laced Polish-- What Gender?


In the Brooder
May 4, 2015
New Jersey
Hi All,
I'm raising a small little batch of chicks-- a Speckled Sussex, Polish, and RIR-- I would like to know the gender of my Polish, as his/her character is questionable. Often the Polish would stand tall and high, something the other chicks did not do. He/she is VERY friendly and loves attention. I find the Polish to be the leader of the little chick group.

Regardless, at two weeks-- which I know is a bit early-- her feathers are coming in nicely, and are an obvious tell on his/her gender. Can anyone help me identify it? I'm a newbie with crested birds, only having one prior to this.


This is a good view of the bird's crest.


Wings and tail.


Tail comparison-- Polish and RIR

Any and all help is appreciated!
Agree polish are more difficult to sex than the average breeds. One clue is the males will have rock start wild crests with streamers. Females have more rounded "bouffant" style " like the ladies wore in '60's

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