gold-neck/white d'Uccle pairs -- TN


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 12, 2010
The Volunteer State
I have a few of these gorgeous little bantams available. You'll hardly ever see this rare variety for sale, so don't miss your chance at them!

D'Uccles are friendly and beautiful little birds. They make a great addition to any pet flock. These gold-necked d'Uccles are NOT the same thing as regular mille fleur d'Uccles. As you'll see in the picture, these guys have no black in their feathers -- just a gorgeous gold and white patterning. The ones I have for sale are not quite 4 months old, so they are still developing their pattern and coloring. Also, their coloration has quite a bit of variation, varying from gold patterned to nearly white. But all of them are very attractive!

I'm asking $20 per pair, or $5 per cockerel. I'm not selling single pullets at this time. Please email me at [email protected] , or PM me.

I would prefer local sales, but I am willing to consider shipping. I'm just a bit east of Nashville, TN.
Picture please
Where did they or the parent stock come from? I'm looking for some nice ones to go with mine that I already have...and your close
I tried to post a picture, but it looks like it didn't work. I also keep getting weird error messages. I ended up posting the same sales ad several times, because I didn't know it was going through!

I'll try again on the pic, but first I'm going to see if I can delete those double posts. Stay tuned.

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