Gold Sex Links or Americaunas???


8 Years
Dec 9, 2011
I am picking up a few new chicks tomorrow to refresh my flock and am looking for the best layer who is also quiet (suburban backyard) and can handle hot Texas summers. If I have to choose from Gold Sex Links and Americaunas, what do you recommend???

I am picking up a few new chicks tomorrow to refresh my flock and am looking for the best layer who is also quiet (suburban backyard) and can handle hot Texas summers. If I have to choose from Gold Sex Links and Americaunas, what do you recommend???


If you are wanting good layers, it is no contest--Gold Sex Links. The Americaunas (a mispelling of Ameraucana, and probably actually Easter Eggers) lay nice colored eggs, but they cannot match the lay rate of the sex links, which could lay more than 300 brown eggs per year. Both of them can handle the hot Texas summers as long as they have some shade and plenty of fresh water. As far as a quiet temperament, I don't think there will be much difference in them (subject of course to individual hens).
The sex-links would lay more eggs and be more comfortable in a hot climate. I have a black sex-link and an several ameraucanas and my sex-link is louder when she lays an egg but the ameraucanas squawk all day for no reason. I don't know if that is common or not but that's the way mine are in terms of noise.
I have sex links and they are great layers. Out of the 6, I usually get 6 eggs a day, occasionally 5. As AmishThunder said, they are loud when they sing their egg song, but are relatively quiet for the most part. Mine have great temperaments and very friendly, but I have interacted with everyday them since day one.
I have sex links and they are great layers. Out of the 6, I usually get 6 eggs a day, occasionally 5. As AmishThunder said, they are loud when they sing their egg song, but are relatively quiet for the most part. Mine have great temperaments and very friendly, but I have interacted with everyday them since day one.
My sex link follows me around like a puppy while my ameraucanas run away from me in terror.
Sex links it is! Thanks so much for your replies.

I have two red stars (sex links) that are two years old; they were a bit loud with the egg song when they were young, but are now two of my quietest girls. Believe it or not, it's my two Black Austrolorps and a couple of one year old Buff Orpingtons who are the loudest in my flock; it sounds like the young buffs were raised around ducks ~ they "quack" more than sing!!!

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