Golden BLACK?


7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
I have been trying to find out what breed/breeds this chick might be, I can't seem to find anything close to her.

3 days:

4 weeks

8 weeks (she isn't dead, just sunbathing)

She has a peacomb, clean yellow legs, and deep PURPLE feathers
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TSC, out of the EE bin (I also got an OEGB from the same bin, lol, so I know they weren't all EEs). I know that EE's can be a mix of different things, and don't necessarily have muffs or green legs, but I haven't seen any pictures of birds that look anything like her.
Looks like a dark cornish.

WOW, thats the closest I've seen yet! I bet you are right! She is still really compact, but the color pattern and comb match. Thank you! I wasn't even looking at meat bird options. I think she is very beautiful though, I hope she goes broody and I can get chicks from her.

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