Golden comet pullet??


8 Years
Sep 3, 2011
After looking at some pictures of Golden Comets that had people confused as to sex, I got concerned that my 3 day old pullet might not be a she. I THINK she is a she, but can anyone confirm this for me? Or is it too early to tell from her coloring?

It's really too early to tell. When they start getting their feathering it's a little easier to tell. My Golden Comet hen died recently, she was an awesome layer! And if your is a 'she' she'll be a great layer too. I've heard that Sex links are color sexed? Not sure if that's true or not, but the lighter ones are males and the darker ones are females.
Thanks! She looks a little darker in this picture, but she's not pale and she has the reddish striping on her back. I just love that picture of her...

are my chicks female golden comets ?. I was trying to figure out if the one in the circle part of feeder is female

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