Gone Broody at 12 weeks?? Female Sultan,,,help,,,


Trying to hide
11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
The Ozarks of Arkansas
I did my yardwork, got everything looking great for the weekend. During this time, I allowed my loving flock to run around in the garden. It is totally enclosed and very safe. When I came back to heard the flock back to their run, I was missing two chickens. My beautiful Sultan Rooster and his lady. Now you must remember, these two are only 12 weeks old this saturday. She had got under one of my cherry tomato plants, and knocked a little green tomato down. This is her egg!! And she will fight me to the death to get close to her. She comes out growling, low to the ground, stomping her little feathered feet, and then rushing backwards back to her tomato. The rooster has decided to help her out. Now this is a very loving little guy. He sits in my lap and lets me preen him. Now he acts like hes rabid!!! Hes rushing me too!!! They are going to hatch that tomato come" h*ll or high water". I don't want to harm them or make them afraid of me. Any ideas?? Thanks Tina
You could try getting another tomato cut it in small pieces throw it too them mine go crazy over tomato's if they go for the tomato get the one they are trying to hatch and cut it up for them if not post pic's when the tomato hatches lol..
That is too funny! I guess you could try to bring her back to the coop with the tomato, set her in a nestbox and give it back to her lol. No harm done and she'll most likely get bored in a few days and give up.
I have Sultans also. Your story is so cute.

I wish you had a video of it. I guess I would wait until dusk and get them in. That way they will be calm.
Well I did it last night. Just before dark, when all good chickens are fast asleep on their roosts, I made my way out to the garden. I got brave and bent down to my darling Isadora and snatched her up. Tucked her under my arm, her kicking and screaming to high heaven. I then grabbed her very special cherry tomato and marched to the hen house. My wild Man Rooster Sultan at a dead run behind me. I went inside placed her tomato in a nesting box and put her in with it. She growled at me low in her throat, pushed the tomato back under her and sat down. Sultan jumped up on the roost in front of the nest box and stood guard. So, does anyone know what you get when you cross a tomato and a Sultan hen?? Please let me know,,,

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