Good boy gone bad HELP!


In the Brooder
May 28, 2015
I have an adult roo that until recently was very kind so Im wondering if this is a phase or if I did something to make him turn mean. I really don’t want to get rid of him because he is/was a good protector of my hens.

PS it seems to only be me that he attacks, my husband can take eggs and approach him without problems. He will run at me from 100+ yards and attack me as I feed them. If I offer him food he will bite me not take the food.

Here is a little step by step of his life pre mean and post mean.

He came with the house we bought 6 weeks ago.

Bought baby chicks

We pick them all up play with them every 3-4 days

read about different foods that are safe and started feeding them left over veggies

Neighbors beagles chased them, he attacked the beagle I chased off the dogs.

Bought organic free range food non GMO

gave them grapes (aka chicken crack) my flock loves them

Put the baby chickens in the area where they big ones free range

found the chickens in the woods to give them grapes

GOT ATTACKED (kicked him and screamed)

Husband put them up at night

Got eggs/feed next day Got attacked (screamed)

Let them out same day Got attacked (jumped)

Went out to move the babies (they are in a small “free range” cage) got attacked before getting 30 yards out the door the chicks were about 100 yards away (went back inside)

Husband put him up that night

This am went to get my eggs and couldn’t get in the gate without him being all over my legs, no reaction from me other than going back out. Feed them on the ground on the other side of coup. tried to go in to get the eggs with them busy eating… he said NOPE. Offered him clover flowers, got bit. Left him and the girls in the coup most of the day tried to go back in and he started stomping and acting like he would attack so I walked out and let the girls out to free range and have food out side of the coup. He is not being mean to them.

Please help!! Did I mess up my roo?
I had a SS that I raised from 2 days old, and he was my baby. But when he was about 1 year old he turned on us, so he went bye-bye. If you handle some breeds too much then I think that is the result.

Sorry to hear about that, I know how disappointing it is. All I can suggest is don't act scared, let him know who's in charge
Good luck!
I love my SS hens, but have had mixed results with the roosters. Two out of three that I kept, turned out to be human aggressive. They needed to be dinner! One of the three was a lovely boy. All raised by me the same way; that's just how it is sometimes. Life is too short to cope with a nasty rooster; get rid of him and raise a better one next year. Mary

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