Good First Horror Movie For My 11 Year Old

I know this is not really a horror. It more of a suspense type. At least for me. The movie "Taken" Its only Rated PG-13. I was already watching Rated R movies by 11. Scary movies dont really scare me at all.

But this movie might scare her a little bit. My 7 year old has watched it. Its where a teenage girl gets kidnapped and sold to the slave trade. I think this movie could scare a girl into not talking or going with strangers. To be cautious about strangers, even as a teenager. I know it has made me rethink where my daughter will go when she is older. What makes this movie more scary is that this stuff happens in real life. Even though it isnt a gross scary movie type..

If you already havent seen it. I think it a good one. I had to buy it.

I have the extended cut version of the movie.

Starring Liam Neeson
not really, i mean it has some pretty dirty parts but the underlying meaning makes sense..definitely not a kids movie though.

Ive never even heard of that movie.
I really want to see that movie and thought about watching it with my daughters as a warning.
not really, i mean it has some pretty dirty parts but the underlying meaning makes sense..definitely not a kids movie though.

Ive never even heard of that movie.

I bet that you have seen people copy the style of makeup that the actor wore in the movie though., a bowler hat and makeup around just one eye.

Malcolm McDowell played the lead character.

The reason that I don't want to see it is that there is a rape scene in the movie. As a female, I find rape scenes very, very hard to watch.
The original Haunting was better then the remake. Nightmare on Elm Street was actually a terrifying idea. You aren't safe in your sleep. Even the thought of Freddy scares me. Thank you very much, Mr. Wes Craven. And yeah, Johnny Depp will always be hot.
Me too. The hotel that is depicted in the movie is based on one that King actually stayed in once.

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