Good Incubators?

Thanks for the info :) I am actually looking at designing one, with auto turn and all :) I have a rotisserie motor from an old spit that you can adjust the timer for slow cooked roasts.
Just have to fiddle with the timer to turn every 90minutes instead of slow turn :) Or do you think it would be a waste of my time and just go buy one already set up?
But I will seriously look into those two that you mentioned :) thank you

Honestly, I looked into going that route as well, but I came across my two Genesis model 'bators used once as a 4H project at a steal price. I would have spent double the $$$ had I designed and built my own incubator. With a turner, they can hold 48 each and my Brinsea can hold about 20. We're doing home rennovations right now as well and building an incubator just wasn't worth the headache for me :). Hatch rates are good in all three incubators and relatively hands free. If I were you I would watch Craigslist and pick one up off a 4H'er that just wanted to have it for a project. You just have to be patient because it's not really the time of year for people to be selling incubators. Fall is a really good time to find one used for a good price. Feel free to pm me if you have any questions, I just started my own hobby farm last year and everything is still relatively fresh in my mind :).
Farm Innovators is a LOUSY product. It doesnt work unless in a warm room. And its very suspectible to changes in both humidity and temperature. The case isnt as tight as the Hova Bator (a so-so product). The chicks at edges of the unit are likely to be deformed or weak
i have a P&I 12 egg incubator and cant understand the instructions at all! i need toincrease the temperature which is at 33c to 37 - 38c help please !
l have the same incubator. I have work out how to do the temp but l can't work out how to do the humidity.
Can any one help me with a P&I P1-12
The manual is very hard to understand. the translation is very bad.
We have eggs coming tomorrow Sunday.
So help is need now.

I have just purchased a P & I 24 egg incubator. When I first turned my incubator on it was set at about 38.7 degrees or something.

To adjust temperature setting :
1. Push and release the set button
2. Use + or - button to select desired operating temperature.
3. Push and release the Set button again.

I have also bought an incubator thermometer and stuck that down inside the air hole to check temp, there seems to be about 0.3deg at most variation from the thermometer in the machine. I have a hatching hygrometer in there too and am currently struggling to get the humidity down after filling only the middle section with water as instructed. Humidity was up around 65%, which is what was indicated as the required humidity for hatching.

My hygrometer indicates that humidity should be 58-62% for incubation, does this sound too high??
Did you work out what the egg turning numbers mean, 30, 45, 60, 75' 90. What is more or less? What is equal to 3 or 4 times a day? How do you know if it's working?
Hi, I have one of these PI12 P&I Incubators. Had good success with this in the past but have just purchased some Ayam Cemani hatching eggs. Went to set the incubator going and the LCD reads 'FFF', nothing in the manual helps. Anyone got any ideas?
hi i have the PI24 P&I Incubator would anybody know how to reset it to factory setting please, was going great untill day of hatching and suddenly its only blowing cold air saying its too hot , indicating temperatures 40-42 but its freezing inside theres no way its too warm :( we have had a few short power cuts so dont know if that caused it but even after having it unplugged for 12 hrs its still not resetting, think all my poor babies are dead :( :(

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