Good pip or should I worry

Same reason i love this community :) the spirit and help :) that lil ones so cute! What breed are you hatching? Theyre gonna all be Very Very sleepy after theyve hatched, its a tough job! After the lil coma youll have a better idea of the babes status and i will be eagerly awaiting an update ;) whats your plan for moving them to the brooder?
Glad your little one has hatched :)
I had to do my first assisted hatch with mine. He was two days late, piped at the wrong end and still 12 hours later had made no progress. I made the pip bigger and hit a vein
so I put him on a wet paper towel in the bator and left him overnight. I checked him at 12am and he still wasn't out.
I didn't think he was going to make it. 6am out in the bator :) I'll wait for him to dry off before putting in the brooder
Yeah Skyeaus! So glad the baby made it. By the time I got home today 4 out of 6 hatched. Hoping the other 2 leghorns and the 3 brown eggs follow suit and hath here soon. My little leghorns are looking super tired and like little soggy birdies
I'm concerned for the other eggs. The new chicks have rolled them all around. One is totally upside down. Should I roll them back or just leave them alone? I'm afraid to open the incubator
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We have a brown egg that just pipped so I'm holding off. Can I take the other chicks out that hatched a couple days ago and put them in the house I made for them and other chicks we have? Will it hurt the eggs that have not pipped if I open the incubator long enough to remove the white fluffy chicks and add more water?
If the incubator is getting crowded, when can move the strongest chicks out. Opening the incubator for a few minutes isn't going to hurt anything. Hens get up off the nest to eat and drink everyday, even if the chicks are hatching.
It's best to leave the chicks in the incubator for as long as possible. All their moving around and cheeping will help motivate those straggler chicks to hatch.
One.brown egg hatched last night. The 2 white and 2 more brown ones have done nothing. What is float test on eggs incubating? Do tell how and what I need to look for please

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