Good treats for baby chicks?

I put a perch in my brooder after 3 days, I just used a half inch dowel because I had it in the scrap wood pile but any natural branck off a tree should work as well, probably better because the dowel is so slick, a branch with bark would give them more grip. My peeps are now 12 days old and today I put a chunk of firewood and a medium small branch in their newer larger brooder box along with the perch and they love it. I have one golden comet that had pasty butt when we got her so she is a little smaller then the rest of the other 5 birds, she has learned that when the others get playing the only place she is safe is on the perch. I read to get them on the perch as young as possible, it's good for their health and it's easier to start them on it when they are young and will still listen to mom and dad.
We just got our chicks this morning and the first thing we fed them was hard boiled egg. We got the tip from a farmer friend and they just loved it!

Also, thanks for the info about the grit, I was wondering when to start them on that.
One way to give your young chicks small sized grit I tried was to sprinkle about teaspoon or two once a day on their feed. They ate it fine that way. I started this about a week before I let them have treats or grass or anything they would need the grit in their crop to aid with digestion.

Today I tried giving them some uncooked sweet corn kernels, boiled egg, eggshells crumbled , mixed all together with plain unflavored yogurt.

They went nuts over it!
Hi all... This is my first post and I have to say I was so glad to see this topic as I have been wondering about this myself. I just got finsihed boiling 2 eggs for my 15 barred rock pullets and I can say I had a blast just watching them!!
It was a trip!!! Thanks...

I buy grit at the feed store. There are two kinds, Starter Grit and Grit. The Starter Grit is much finer and was ideal for the young ones. I found they ate it when they needed it, when it left for them to choose.

I fed my little ones, 2 wks old, meal worms. I did not know there were any problems with giving them the heads. I would like more information on that subject. I guess I will find it thru searching BYC.

I did know that snacks should not make up more than 10 percent of their total intake of food. Take care of they babies, hold them often, because they grow so fast.

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