GOOSE BREEDING THREAD - for breeding, incubating, hatching and rearing.

I don't know where Metzers is to San Diego but they have nice geese[goslings]
I am not sure either. A couple of days ago I was looking at different places and I think they had Dewlap toulouse so did Holderhead in Oregon. We used to live right next door to Holderhead about 18 years ago. Metzer's Dewlap were more affordable but then Holderhead had different packages but in all of those cases you would not know what breed you'd get. I am scared of Embden. I am also worried about them having to come through the mail. Geese are pricey and I would hate for one to die.

I have also contemplated eggs. Has any one ordered some through the mail and have luck with that?
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I bought eggs through Cackel last yr. and none hatched I bought my Embden through Metzers they made it through the mail now my chick order comes next week from Metzers I prefer to by live Not eggs. Metzer is pricey but you do get what you pay for and they will replace a dead one if need be. All mine shows up alive .
Hmmmm my experience hatching bought eggs is limited but when we did, chickens, not many hatched and one had a club foot. We have great success hatching our own eggs but I have never done ducks or geese. We are trying quail right now.

chiklee How are Embens? I am kind of squared of them. Had a negative experience growing up.
The bio parents took it up as their own and it was very friendly, so it would come up to anyone.
It's really pathetic to steal someone's gosling. The people who do that don't know how much care they need, don't know how to care for them properly, and probably don't even realize the GOSLINGS still need heat. People can be so cold-hearted!

Not only did they steal it, but I'm willing to bet it didn't last long with the ones who did.
Hmmmm my experience hatching bought eggs is limited but when we did, chickens, not many hatched and one had a club foot. We have great success hatching our own eggs but I have never done ducks or geese. We are trying quail right now.

chiklee How are Embens? I am kind of squared of them. Had a negative experience growing up.
I have an Embden gander one of my Muscovy ducks hatched him almost 7yrs ago and most of the year he is totally a sweet heart but right now with mating season in full swing he's like all other ganders a real meany.

Have you tried your states thread? might find someone with goslings on the way." Where am I where are you thread"
Hmmmm my experience hatching bought eggs is limited but when we did, chickens, not many hatched and one had a club foot. We have great success hatching our own eggs but I have never done ducks or geese. We are trying quail right now.

chiklee How are Embens? I am kind of squared of them. Had a negative experience growing up.
I love Squishy and his girls. My opinion is to raise them and always be the top goose and you'll not have much trouble.

I have an Embden gander one of my Muscovy ducks hatched him almost 7yrs ago and most of the year he is totally a sweet heart but right now with mating season in full swing he's like all other ganders a real meany.
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Okay ya'll Missy laid her 7th egg this morning I am assuming since she was inside quite a while, just a few hours ago I saw her and Sammy out walking around but just went back out to see if I could go in an check and she is back on her nest, Do you think it's possible with just laying 7 that she is already feeling the broody urge? if So Hey J better start collecting. lol or is this just typical behavior, I again don't remember her doing this last year. but then again last year was her first year of laying. I have depend on you old timers in info. thanks
P, I do believe that once she has at least 7 eggs, she could quickly go broody on you. Perhaps take a few eggs out and in the meantime I'll start gathering eggs for you.

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