GOOSE BREEDING THREAD - for breeding, incubating, hatching and rearing.

After waiting since December, I finally had a gosling hatch but I think the membrane hardened and kept the baby in the shell too long. The baby hatched yesterday with my help. I found the egg in the incubator with the pip and could hear the baby peeping. When no progress was made after about 24 hours, I cracked the shell around where the air sack edge met the shadow in the egg and put the egg back in the incubator. After several more hours, btw, I couldn't see any veins in the shell, I removed the top of the shell and put a warm wet paper towel over the baby's head and put it back in the incubator. Yesterday morning when the baby still hadn't gotten out of the shell, I put the shell under warm running water and surprisingly, the baby floated up out of the shell. The baby didn't seem to be able to hold it's head up properly so I just held it under the water for a little while. I did not let the head under the water, just the body. Then I wet another paper towel and wrapped it loosely around the baby and put it back in the incubator. Several hours later I went to check on it and it was still wrapped in the paper towels and still couldn't hold it's head up properly. I put it in a cup and put a wet paper towel over the cup. My husband checked on the baby last night and thought the cup was holding too much heat and took the baby out of the cup and when I checked the baby this morning, it is looking good but still not holding it's head up right.

I have heard of wry neck and I am afraid this baby might have it. Is there anything I can do for it? I saw a wry neck adult in someone's yard on facebook, so they can live?

I posted this on it's own thread and got no answers, the baby is 3 days old today and I need to find out what to do for it so it can be taken out of the incubator and given food and water. I put it on the table today and it is doing better at holding it's head up but it is having problems standing and holding it's head up. I think once I get it into a bigger container/brooder that it will improve but I don't know how much and I don't want to wait too long and have it impaired for the rest of it's life. Please, I need information.
After waiting since December, I finally had a gosling hatch but I think the membrane hardened and kept the baby in the shell too long. The baby hatched yesterday with my help. I found the egg in the incubator with the pip and could hear the baby peeping. When no progress was made after about 24 hours, I cracked the shell around where the air sack edge met the shadow in the egg and put the egg back in the incubator. After several more hours, btw, I couldn't see any veins in the shell, I removed the top of the shell and put a warm wet paper towel over the baby's head and put it back in the incubator. Yesterday morning when the baby still hadn't gotten out of the shell, I put the shell under warm running water and surprisingly, the baby floated up out of the shell. The baby didn't seem to be able to hold it's head up properly so I just held it under the water for a little while. I did not let the head under the water, just the body. Then I wet another paper towel and wrapped it loosely around the baby and put it back in the incubator. Several hours later I went to check on it and it was still wrapped in the paper towels and still couldn't hold it's head up properly. I put it in a cup and put a wet paper towel over the cup. My husband checked on the baby last night and thought the cup was holding too much heat and took the baby out of the cup and when I checked the baby this morning, it is looking good but still not holding it's head up right.

I have heard of wry neck and I am afraid this baby might have it. Is there anything I can do for it? I saw a wry neck adult in someone's yard on facebook, so they can live?

I posted this on it's own thread and got no answers, the baby is 3 days old today and I need to find out what to do for it so it can be taken out of the incubator and given food and water. I put it on the table today and it is doing better at holding it's head up but it is having problems standing and holding it's head up. I think once I get it into a bigger container/brooder that it will improve but I don't know how much and I don't want to wait too long and have it impaired for the rest of it's life. Please, I need information.
Get some Poultry nutri drench and start by putting a few drops right inside the mouth then add according to directions some in the water for it to drink. Glad to hear the gosling is improving. At 3 days that little one dif needs to be eating and drinking.Never squirt anything down their throat could go into the air sacs
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I have 4 eggs left I staggered the hatching days but they are all alive , I put two in with her and she is laying down on them so lock down would have been today
Get some Poultry nutri drench and start by putting a few drops right inside the mouth then add according to directions some in the water for it to drink. Glad to hear the gosling is improving. At 3 days that little one dif needs to be eating and drinking.Never squirt anything down their throat could go into the air sacs
Would the save a chick electrolyte work as well?
Would the save a chick electrolyte work as well?
It is good stuff too, the reason I like the PND is because it by passes the intestines to get straight into the blood stream. but if your little one is making such good progress then if you just have the save a chick use it. It needs to start eating and drinking though the yolk sac is probably gone by now.
It is good stuff too, the reason I like the PND is because it by passes the intestines to get straight into the blood stream. but if your little one is making such good progress then if you just have the save a chick use it. It needs to start eating and drinking though the yolk sac is probably gone by now.
It drank some of the water with the electrolytes in it but I haven't seen it eat anything yet. Later I will try pushing it's little head into the food and see if it will eat then. I put electrolyte water in the food too. I have it in with month old and younger chicks and the food is medicated chick starter but I have water fowl food, do you think the water fowl food would be better for the gosling?

Something I noticed when it was in the incubator and now in with the other babies is that it hides it's head. I know it can't possibly know that there is something wrong, so why does it hide it's head behind the food or water dishes?
It drank some of the water with the electrolytes in it but I haven't seen it eat anything yet. Later I will try pushing it's little head into the food and see if it will eat then. I put electrolyte water in the food too. I have it in with month old and younger chicks and the food is medicated chick starter but I have water fowl food, do you think the water fowl food would be better for the gosling?

Something I noticed when it was in the incubator and now in with the other babies is that it hides it's head. I know it can't possibly know that there is something wrong, so why does it hide it's head behind the food or water dishes?
Maybe it's afraid and in with chicks that age someone may have pecked it I would not have it in with chicks that old they can really hurt a new hatch gosling. a stuffed animal and a mirror with out sharp edges would be better. Give the gosling water fowl feed make it into a warm mash put some on your finger instead of pushing it head into the bowl. It doesn't need the med feed. Just make up a small amount of warm mash and keep it out till that has been eaten then make more that way you don't run the risk of mold setting up. if you only have one brooder with heat lamp then make a partition of some kind so the gosling can be seen and see everyone else. But doesn't get picked on by older chicks
Maybe it's afraid and in with chicks that age someone may have pecked it I would not have it in with chicks that old they can really hurt a new hatch gosling. a stuffed animal and a mirror with out sharp edges would be better. Give the gosling water fowl feed make it into a warm mash put some on your finger instead of pushing it head into the bowl. It doesn't need the med feed. Just make up a small amount of warm mash and keep it out till that has been eaten then make more that way you don't run the risk of mold setting up. if you only have one brooder with heat lamp then make a partition of some kind so the gosling can be seen and see everyone else. But doesn't get picked on by older chicks
Well, it was hiding it's head before I put it in with the other babies but they don't seem to bother it unless they are running from me when I go to check on them or to feed/water them. I can get another lamp for it tomorrow and put it back in the incubator with food and water. I have 2 Silkie/Cochin babies in there, one just hatched and one that somehow got stomped into the food that I bathed and dried and fed some poly vi sol to. Would water fowl food hurt the older S/C baby? For over night or a day?

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