GOOSE BREEDING THREAD - for breeding, incubating, hatching and rearing.

Carrosaur...Yes, they are both American Buffs that I got last May as day olds from Metzer's Farms. Gabi laid well over 40 eggs in this, her first season. She even started laying them in her nest
a few days before she stopped laying !!! I'm hoping that come next year she'll have her routine down pat and we can let her keep the eggs she lays and hopefully hatch out a couple of cute goslings. From what I've read, geese don't always have the maturity level to be competent parents their first breeding season so that's why we didn't let her sit on her eggs this year (I don't have the time to care for any more animal 'orphans' right now !!!), besides, she never even seemed to miss them when I removed them every couple of days. But then again, if I had the potential to have over 40 children in one 'sitting', I might not miss a few here and there myself !!!

Miss Lydia..."Why 'Thank you very much'!" = That's what my geese told me to tell you after I mentioned to them that you had commented on how "pretty" they looked.
As for new things being scary to them, I'd have to say a big 'YES!' to that !!! It never
ends. At least a few times each month something as innocent as changing their food bowl to one of a different color will send them into a flapping and honking tailspin. The likes of which (if you weren't familiar with their potential towards paranoia) could send some of your well meaning neighbors to their nearest Animal Welfare Dept. to report their suspicions of abuse. Just the other day it was an old, worn out wheelbarrow that had them up in arms. Apparently they didn't like the fact that I moved it. It didn't matter to them one bit that it had been sitting just 10 feet away from their house for the past 6 months or so. No, it was okay then. But now that it had positioned itself on their side of the fence, well...that just made it a whole lot more menacing

Sweet Dreams Gus and Gabi.


So funny i love the way you tell us stories about Gus and Gabi, I can elate to it all.
How many geese do you all have? So far I think I have 14, about to be 19 and then maybe I'll add some adults later. ALL of my geese have names! For those of you who breed geese for special colors/showing how many do you usually have? Male to female ratio?
So I sexed all my little baby geese today, I am sooo happy I learned how to do that! There's only one that I'm not entirely sure on, but the rest I did in only one try!

I have:

One male Embden, I have three being delivered here this week.

One female Toulouse and one male Toulouse, two being delivered this week.

Three female Gray Saddleback Pomeranians, two male Gray Saddleback Pomeranians, and one older one that I never sexed, so that could not have worked out better.

I have one female Buff and one male Buff, and one that I couldn't really tell.

So far my ratio is looking pretty good! As long as my babies that are coming don't all end up as male, I think I'm set.
Hi All!

Took me 2 weeks to read thru this thread but I learned alot.

I have 15 Cotton Patch eggs in the incubator and I am picking up 6 Sebastopol goslings next weekend. I am new to geese, and I'm looking forward to learning from you all.
I will certainly share pics - I am up to 5 goslings and looks like 2 more to go. I candled the unpipped and it looks like 2 died after pipping internally. I started with 15 eggs that I picked up, but had a 4hr ride in the car. 12 developed and looks like I will have 7 live babies. I did better with the goose eggs than I did with the shipped chicken eggs. But I feel really bad about the ones that died after internally pipping. I was trying to be patient and not interfere too much. But should I have put emergency pips in?
Well sadly #7 didn't make it. After 24 hrs I started to peel the shell and membrane back on the last 2 eggs which had pipped. The one never opened it eyes or peeped, but was breathing.At 10pm last night I realized it wasn't going to make it and focused on the remaining eggs. She was peeping and kicking. Stopped when I saw a spot of blood. Draped her in a damp paper towel. ANd rechecked at 2am. Repeat "surgury". Check at 630 am and Daysi is out and fluffing.

FInal count 6 (1boy, 5girls)

Cotton patch are auto sexing. Female on Left and Male on right.

Male on left (orange legs), female on right (lavender legs)
Hello, all.
Just joined today. I have a pair of white Chinese who are about 14 months old and just hatched their first batch of babies. Every single egg hatched, so we now have nine sweet little goslings waddling about. They are roughly two days old, except for Number 9, who hatched sometime last night. He seems to not walk as well as his siblings, is that normal? I am new to birds, so I have no idea.
I just looked out back and Mama and Daddy have them in the pond already. Since they have their parents, do I just let nature take its course as far as getting them in the pond and all of that? I'd like them to be friendlier than their parents, but don't want to handle them too much and "ruin them", i guess, for lack of a better word.
Anyway, as I said, I am new to this, and obviously i didn't raise Mom and Dad right because they are NOT friendly, although they are very protective of the rest of the flock.
Any advice is appreciated!
Thank you all for reading!

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