Goose with small appetite


In the Brooder
Jan 13, 2019
Delhi NY
I have a three year old lone gander that is seems to have a slow or little appetite. He is talkative and alert and appears to have normal activity. This past week his consumption of his usual amount of grain is down with left overs when i feed again. He is a pet raised alone and social to me and family. He has an outdoor area with shelter and has free roam of the property. During the cold months he has the choice of nesting in dirt floor garage or his pen. These last few days in the wind and bitter cold he has put himeself in. The temperatures in the garage are not warm, just more sheltered so there is not an extreme temp change. He receives fresh water twice daily, there is evidence of his water intake. His plumage is thick and healthy and his coloring is healthy otherwise.
I am wondering if a water vitamin may help, any suggestions are appreciated.
Water vitamin would not hurt. Is there a possibility that he is 'grazing' somewhere ? Oops, just noted your location - he'd need a snow shovel to find grass most likely. Does he have access to hay that he might be eating ?
What is Tully’s usual feed? My gander loves whole corn and will eat it along with his reg feed. And it keeps them warm over night since it’s a carb and gives them fuel. Adding some poultry vitamins would be a good thing too. @NelrickDesigns

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