Gorgeous EE Roster???


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 14, 2010
This is my friends Chicken. I told her it is definitely a rooster. I think she is in denial hoping it would be a hen because he is so gorgeous. Can anyone confirm this to be a Rooster. When will they start to crow? He is about 18 weeks and no crowing as of yet. That is why she is holding out hope...hahahaha.

I also wanted to make sure you all agree it is a EE.

Thanks so much

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Looks like a male EE to me. Tell your friend I'm sorry.
Can't keep him?
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Definitely a roo. He has the sickle feathers and the large roo stance. What a pretty boy though. I love the EEs they are always so colorful.
Thanks all!! We are in an urban area and I don't think her neighbors will enjoy him as much as we all do. He is just too pretty to let go of though.

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