Gosling with a severed foot.

Yesterday dh was baby sitting for me outside while I got our lunch, and when he brought the gozzies back inside the Toulouse "Babe" was panting and could not get cooled down, our temps were pretty warm 85* he acted distressed I took him out and put him into the pool he washed and cooled down and stopped panting. This is the 2nd time this has happened. Worried me but i wonder if it's because they are still only downy and they don't have that insulation yet that protects them from the heat. They weren't out in the blazing sun either.

Oh and by the way, they still are not interested in Missy or Sam. Missy really likes them and wants to hang out with them but they pretty much ignore her. Sam really doesn't seem that interested. I am now wondering if they will ever form a bond with the adults?
I think the thing about their feathers insulating them from heat is more of a curious possibility than anything sound. I would imagine. Mine always look for the shade and the water in the heat. Even in the winter it gets hot during the day, and there they are, in the shade. Baby anythings have more difficulty in controlling their body temp, so it´s good they had your dh out there keeping an eye on them.
As for them taking to Sam and Missy.....they´ll most likely make a flock as they get older. But you´re their 'mom'.
Why don't you make a "meat safe" for him? I'm not sure what set up you've got - but esentially you need something up higher that him where you can put a bucket filled with water - if he is not in a cage as such you could put it on a chair. Soak a towel in water then secure one end in the bucket (put a brick or rock on it) then hang the other end down the side of the cage. The water wicks down the towel and cools the air - if there is a breeze it works even better - just need to fill the bucket occasionally.
I think the thing about their feathers insulating them from heat is more of a curious possibility than anything sound. I would imagine. Mine always look for the shade and the water in the heat. Even in the winter it gets hot during the day, and there they are, in the shade. Baby anythings have more difficulty in controlling their body temp, so it´s good they had your dh out there keeping an eye on them.
As for them taking to Sam and Missy.....they´ll most likely make a flock as they get older. But you´re their 'mom'.
Thanks livin, these 2 have stole my heart, let me tell you they are very attached to me and me them, but I saw a tiny breakthrough, they now go out with me mornings to let everyone out and evening for clean up, I was filling a water bucket and heard them peeping and looked in S&M bedroom window and there are Babe and Toots looking at me from the other side. First time to ever go in their house with both of them in there. So I feel optimistic now
Missy so much wants them to accept her. it's so sweet.
Thanks livin, these 2 have stole my heart, let me tell you they are very attached to me and me them, but I saw a tiny breakthrough, they now go out with me mornings to let everyone out and evening for clean up, I was filling a water bucket and heard them peeping and looked in S&M bedroom window and there are Babe and Toots looking at me from the other side. First time to ever go in their house with both of them in there. So I feel optimistic now
Missy so much wants them to accept her. it's so sweet.
All sounds good, MLyd. Sounds like you´re really enjoying all your geese.
Good point, in that the down of the goose protects them both ways? Well, that makes sense in a way.
Mine do pant, though, when the temps get up to mid-30s and above, but they do have a pond and stream to get into, and the trees make super shade.
I wonder if it makes a difference, too, if the geese are European-based, or Asiatic. The wild Greylags avoid the coldest temps and the hottest temps by migrating. I can´t find yet much info on the Swan geese, coming from Asia, they could have to cope with huge variations in temperature. (I don´t have them, I´m not going to put a lot of time into it....just curious)

I would bet it makes a difference where they're from. I've read there are some pretty pronounced physiological differences in different species of geese. I would guess the Egyptian goose would be very heat tolerant but it's certainly not the physical type that this fellow is, he's probably a safe bet to be not overly heat tolerant due to his type.

Best wishes.
Urg. I just did a dressing change and noticed an area under Hobarts wing that was scabbed and tender. I went to open the bluekote and "FLAP!"...bottle spills all over my hands face legs.... Not to mention Hobart. Is there any thing I should be concerned with regarding bluekote overload? We both look like a mess!

Urg. I just did a dressing change and noticed an area under Hobarts wing that was scabbed and tender. I went to open the bluekote and "FLAP!"...bottle spills all over my hands face legs.... Not to mention Hobart. Is there any thing I should be concerned with regarding bluekote overload? We both look like a mess!

do you think rubbing alcohol would get the color off?
I believe it's gentian violet, so perhaps whatever removes that lol
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Urg. I just did a dressing change and noticed an area under Hobarts wing that was scabbed and tender. I went to open the bluekote and "FLAP!"...bottle spills all over my hands face legs.... Not to mention Hobart. Is there any thing I should be concerned with regarding bluekote overload? We both look like a mess!

Haha, just by the pic we know you have a goose with a wound!

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