Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

Well i can say that so far Missy is still inside her house sitting on her eggs, of course she took a couple days off laying so that maybe why too. What will be will be[sounds a little like Doris day huh?]

8 hoping you see some eggs soon..
Oh, OK, Doris...so the eggs have arrived, and Missy is now sitting on them? Tight? OOOHHHHH, hope so!! How long has she been sitting? Does she only have Beignet´s eggs under her now?
Oh, OK, Doris...so the eggs have arrived, and Missy is now sitting on them? Tight? OOOHHHHH, hope so!! How long has she been sitting? Does she only have Beignet´s eggs under her now?
All 4 of Beignets eggs are in the nest with hers, she came out around 11:00am and is still out eating- grooming I went in to remove the poop and she had those eggs so well covered I didn't even dig for a new one maybe laid. I didn't want to disturb her nest... yet
All 4 of Beignets eggs are in the nest with hers, she came out around 11:00am and is still out eating- grooming I went in to remove the poop and she had those eggs so well covered I didn't even dig for a new one maybe laid. I didn't want to disturb her nest... yet
Well sit tight, they´re like ducks, theyb can mess around for a day or two, but sounds like the timing is perfect...let´s hope all goes well. Do you not still have a broody muscovy? Could split the eggs and double the chances of success?

Can´t remember, did she go broody last year? If she did and sat tight, forget the bit about the duck!
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Well sit tight, they´re like ducks, theyb can mess around for a day or two, but sounds like the timing is perfect...let´s hope all goes well. Do you not still have a broody muscovy? Could split the eggs and double the chances of success?

Can´t remember, did she go broody last year? If she did and sat tight, forget the bit about the duck!
I do still have a broody Scovy but she has been at it over 30 days don't want to over tax her so right now have no plans to put any under her.

Missy did go broody last year and after 2 weeks I candled none were fertile. Going now to check on her,.
How's Harriet? I am hoping she and the ganders are okay. My guess either a Opossum or raccoon, i am thinking opossum because coyote would probably kill the meat which would be one of the geese also a raccoon would probably go after a goose unless it was more advantageous to just take the eggs. I'm thinking an eagle would open the eggs and eat the contents leaving evidence.I really doubt a cat could carry off a gooses eggs either they are so l

How's Harriet? I am hoping she and the ganders are okay. My guess either a Opossum or raccoon, i am thinking opossum because coyote would probably kill the meat which would be one of the geese also a raccoon would probably go after a goose unless it was more advantageous to just take the eggs. I'm thinking an eagle would open the eggs and eat the contents leaving evidence.I really doubt a cat could carry off a gooses eggs either they are so large.

Harriet is doing great. Thanks. Just no eggs for now. How do you think a possum would move such large eggs? Would he take all of the eggs in one afternoon?

I have a question: Has anyone ever successfully incubated goose eggs in one of the Styrofoam Incubators? If so, could I use the auto-egg turner or would that not turn them enough?
Harriet is doing great. Thanks. Just no eggs for now. How do you think a possum would move such large eggs? Would he take all of the eggs in one afternoon?

I have a question: Has anyone ever successfully incubated goose eggs in one of the Styrofoam Incubators? If so, could I use the auto-egg turner or would that not turn them enough?
Your right seems the likely suspect would have to be raccoon since they can walk upright where a opossum doesn't. Of course this is all a guess on my part. Something either large or raccoon.
Well yesterday i moved the 3 young ganders into a pen by themselves they are hatch mates so they dont fight. They were agrivating the other geese trying to breed them when they didnt want to be. I thought maybe that could be why they werent laying, too much stress and activity going on. So with them out of the group that left the geese with the normal ganders that they like.
After being seperated for almost 16 hours, two nests have been built inside their main house. So we will see if this has been the problem.
Stormy is on day 6 of not laying so one nest could be hers. She is a skilled nest builder for a first year and one is a pretty nest.
8! Did you say you might LEAVE! -_-
Dont leave because your geese arent laying! (they are gonna lay or are laying but you just dont know)besides byc is also fun to help others and learn new stuff! Anyway just a question do you have a hutch or little move around shed around the area so geese can lay?!
Next week thursday or friday i might have Babies! Im nervous for no reason about this first hatch no idea why! Oh and ive now 9 new eggs set in the bator! And next week two eggs will hatch and after next week another babie will hatch ! Its all exciting!

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