Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

Ok, stupid time. What is AVC and where do I get it?

And your vets suck. I get not wanting to euthanize an animal for no reason, but to let an injured unwanted animal suffer is beyond cruel. Might come a time when it is kinder to put a bullet in the dog's head.
One of our neighbours is a policeman and he´ll do that for a suffering dog
Psue already said Apple Cider Vinegar. This "mother" stuff (I think it´s the cloudiness, but I could be wrong) that´s in it is great, of course, but I don´t ever find that here...just plain ACV in the supermarket, but I find it still works.
They´ll soon be just one flock.

I hope so. But I have not let the big and littles swim together. Jasper and Snow do not share the pool between themselves, so I think they would hurt or drown the babies when they felt it was their turn in the pool. I do have 2 pools set up for them 1 in front and 1 in back, but where ever I go they all follow so they have to share the pool I am closest too. Also Snow is bigger than Jasper and he is less accepting and slightly more aggressive towards the babies than Jasper. I have had them sleep with a wire divider at night so they can see each other for a week, and am now just starting to let them graze together. It was getting to be hard to rotate the 2 groups and they both need more time in the sun. If anyone has more tips on how to integrate the 2 groups please let me know.
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I hope so. But I have not let the big and littles swim together. Jasper and Snow do not share the pool between themselves, so I think they would hurt or drown the babies when they felt it was their turn in the pool. I do have 2 pools set up for them 1 in front and 1 in back, but where ever I go they all follow so they have to share the pool I am closest too. Also Snow is bigger than Jasper and he is less accepting and slightly more aggressive towards the babies than Jasper. I have had them sleep with a wire divider at night so they can see each other for a week, and am now just starting to let them graze together. It was getting to be hard to rotate the 2 groups and they both need more time in the sun. If anyone has more tips on how to integrate the 2 groups please let me know.
Sounds like you´re doing great. Just give them plenty of space. the chinese are just being chinese. I very much doubt that they´d try to drown a baby, but maybe, yes, be a bit rough. Just give them their 2 pools right next to each other. or even 3! One for jasper, one for Snow, one for the babies....
I´ve never had a problem with bullying with mine, but some can be a bit like that. Just keep an eye on them. Slowly, as the others catch up size and overtake the chinese, it´ll all pan out.
Sounds like you´re doing great.  Just give them plenty of space.  the chinese are just being chinese.  I very much doubt that they´d try to drown a baby, but maybe, yes, be a bit rough.  Just give them their 2 pools right next to each other.  or even 3!  One for jasper, one for Snow, one for the babies....:lol:   I´ve never had a problem with bullying with mine, but some can be a bit like that.  Just keep an eye on them.  Slowly, as the others catch up size and overtake the chinese, it´ll all pan out.

Thanks. I'll keep you posted on my progress. I will be walking on the moon the day/night the divider comes out and they can all mingle.

What's really cute, is I swear the Africans try to protect the baby Chinese from Jasper and Snow. Everytime 1 of the boys goes after the babies Cream always puts its body between them, neck stretched out squeeking at the bigger boys, which sounds like baby gander behavior to me. Cream mostly (pardon the pun) gets goosed by the bigger boys for its heroics, but Jasper and Snow either forget or lose interest in the smaller goslings so I'll give Cream credit for bravery, Lol. When they do mingle and settle, Jasper is always closest to the babies with Snow right behind him, the 2 Africans are next to Jasper and the baby Chinese behind them. It's almost like Cream and Jasper are playing mediator or something, lol.
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ok i feeding my three oldest goslings today (chip is a boy and 8 and burphy are girls)and then i noticed that chip had a little dewelp developing(pic above) but i didnt know that the babies would get dewelps if it was the father that had the dewelp! I knew that babies would only get dewelps if the mother had the dewelp! But the father has the dewelp so im confused but curious because chips getting a orange beak and is developing a knob and a dewelp! What will it look like :)
Hey there! I'd like to join. I have 7 Canada Geese eggs in the incubator due to hatch around May 16th. I'm not 100% sure because I rescued them from being destroyed by a tractor. They look to be around day 7 though... I think she started incubating them as soon as she laid the first one, because they all appear to be on different stages of growth. We'll see :p
Happy Hatching!
So apparently Snow has a taste for parsley, I have chased him out 6 times already. And all my geese love marigolds, they destroyed the bed of marigolds. Snow liked them so much he pulled them out by the roots to eat as much as he could and spit out the roots! Guess I'm going to have to fence of my flowers after all, if only to save the marigolds from death by goose.

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