Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

What a gorgeous gosling... He looks like a Danny to me. 

I can't wait to see him fully feathered. I'll have to make a mental note of all these names. I want to see what he looks like before I commit :)

You should video that! It would be cute/funny at the same time.

I will try. If it's windy tomorrow I may even get one of him running at the wind trying to take off! I don't think he realises just how big he is! :)


Family three and two are heading home :)

Do they go far? We have lots of room for them to explore but they won't go far unless I take them.
I agree with you both. Animals don't lie, or stab you in the back. Only humans do that. Animals are simple and have basic needs, love, food, water, shelter, love. I would rather live in seclusion with my animals than in the middle of a city. 1 day I hope to move out to the middle of nowhere, with 10 or more acres. Have to convince the hubby though, he can't live without Internet, lol.
Me too... actually, I suspect, most of us would on these threads! and I live 4 miles from the middle of nowhere, and we get internet....mostly, at least! haha
Ha ha ha I always thought he would be pretty. Can I still call him Malcolm? Or should I go for something like Brad or Nick? Oooh RYAN!!!
He looks beautiful! Whatever his name is! He looks very much like the gander called Halloween. whose gander was he? Can´t remember...there was a pic of him around here just recently.
I can't wait to see him fully feathered. I'll have to make a mental note of all these names. I want to see what he looks like before I commit

I will try. If it's windy tomorrow I may even get one of him running at the wind trying to take off! I don't think he realises just how big he is! :)
All mine fly, adults too. At first they end up anywhere, but they soon learn to pull up before the trees, etc! Haha! I sometimes get thumped by their wings when they´re landing near me. It can hurt, too! But I just love to see them.
All mine fly, adults too.  At first they end up anywhere, but they soon learn to pull up before the trees, etc!  Haha!  I sometimes get thumped by their wings when they´re landing near me.  It can hurt, too!  But I just love to see them.

Eek! Do they? What age do they usually start? I'll have to keep an eye on him, there's a road at the bottom of the hill! I don't want to have to clip his wings.
Do they go far? We have lots of room for them to explore but they won't go far unless I take them.

Actually yes eventually they go in my neighbours field which he dosent mind at all and he loves them but its when the babies get older and winter hits they will go to the very last field (which is about 5 large fields from my fields)and there usually isnt a prob and i dont mind them going that far and they know their way back since they have done this for 7 years now so they come home a certain time (usually sun set).But the only problem is the foxes! The fox wont grab a goose if in a large flock but my Africans love to be a own group and is smaller then the large flock so they are the targets !
But all i know is they get a lot of excercise everyday by walking :)
But around this time when babies are young they stay near the house but as all the babies grow it will start all over again :/
Im trying to fence my fields even tho all the fields they go into are very well fenced and are usually a few sheep and wild deers :)

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