Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

This is what I got so far! Little Malcolm is just along for the ride at this point. "I don't get it but I'm having fun anyway!"

Lost my female gosling today. :(
Heart broken. She some how got out of the brooder and got trapped between it and the wall. I found her when I got home from work.

Brother goose is very sad. And still 20 days before hatch of the next eggs.

Any thoughts on how to help keep him happy?

My first goose, I raised alone for two years. She was easy. She started out alone. Now brother feels lost without sister.

Oh how sad. :hugs 8 is right, Moose loved his mirror and teddy. For Malcolm I rolled up a towel and curved it into a horseshoe shape, he would snuggle up in the middle of it.
Halloween was hatched here.

Mine stay inside my 4ft fence.... of course when anyone tries they hear " This is a NO FLY zone!"
I thought so, but I get folks mixed up! Don´t your think Hennypenny´s gos looks like Halloween? so he was an Embden cross, wasn´t he?
I came home to a HUGE surprise today!! Beignet (my awesome broody Toulouse) hatched a buff female.
Hubby says there is at least one more gosling more recently hatched underneath her, but they are well hidden by momma and I have no idea what they look like yet.

Well that doesn't sound so bad. I suppose I will just see what happens. There is plenty of room if they don't stray too far as we're surrounded by sheep fields. At least I know if the get too bold I can always clip their wings.
I´m sure they´ll be fine. Mine fly when they want to get somewhere quickly...loike down to the river, or wherever I am at the time. Curious critters. I´m sure yours will be fine. Is there anything in the direction of the road that they may want to go there for?
I thought so, but I get folks mixed up!  Don´t your think Hennypenny´s gos looks like Halloween?  so he was an Embden cross, wasn´t he?
I´m sure they´ll be fine.  Mine fly when they want to get somewhere quickly...loike down to the river, or wherever I am at the time.  Curious critters.  I´m sure yours will be fine.  Is there anything in the direction of the road that they may want to go there for?

There are fields on the other side of the road, heathland then the sea. Thats about a mile stretch. In the opposite direction there is a field then a large lake where all the wild geese hang out so hopefully that is more appealing to them.
Sorry for your loss. Try a mirror for him or a stuffed animal, that has no buttons or eyes that he could choke on or loose strings or tags that he could get caught on.

Oh how sad. :hugs 8 is right, Moose loved his mirror and teddy. For Malcolm I rolled up a towel and curved it into a horseshoe shape, he would snuggle up in the middle of it.

[COLOR=800080]Sorry you lost your gosling......[/COLOR]:hugs

Thanks ladies.

I am going to try.

I need to find out how she got out, so it doesn't happen again! I feel terrible.
I came home to a HUGE surprise today!! Beignet (my awesome broody Toulouse) hatched a buff female.
Hubby says there is at least one more gosling more recently hatched underneath her, but they are well hidden by momma and I have no idea what they look like yet.

How adorable J, congrats!!
I'm so sorry Dawn. I hope that you find how the baby got out and are able to block it up. Losing a precious gosling is hard. Try giving the remaining gosling a mirror and teddy and just spend lots of time with him. He needs companionship, and your love will go a long way with helping him cope.

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