Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

Ethel has a lots of babies today...here is the funny part,
Maggie had decided to help her hatch them
well now this group has 4 daddies and 2 mommies. UGH its like one of those freaky compounds where the men have multiple wives with multiple children. My flock is weird
I do think i got more lavenders though, i havent been able to get close to see but most are dark like the toulouse, just for the sake of comparrison. Some are still wet
Cant wait to see.
My gosling internally pipped last night about I'd say 9:30pm.
She still hasn't pipped externally.

How long can she go unassisted? I read the assisted hatch, and have assisted a hatch before, (last hatch). But there is no crack in this shell?
My gosling internally pipped last night about I'd say 9:30pm.
She still hasn't pipped externally.

How long can she go unassisted? I read the assisted hatch, and have assisted a hatch before, (last hatch). But there is no crack in this shell?
They take ages. As long as it´s moving and you can hear strong peeps, all is good. No need to assist at this stage.
They take ages.  As long as it´s moving and you can hear strong peeps, all is good.  No need to assist at this stage. 

Yes, she is still cheeping away. There is an internal and external pip, but, the membrane is still very much in tact. Humidity is between 50-58%. Think she'll be ok without drying up?
Yes, she is still cheeping away. There is an internal and external pip, but, the membrane is still very much in tact. Humidity is between 50-58%. Think she'll be ok without drying up?
Could do with raising the humidity a bit by putting a wet cloth (warm water) spread out in there. the more surface dampness there is, the better. This will raise the humidity to try to avoid the membrane drying out too much. If it dries out too much, the gosling can´t break through. If it looks like white paper, it´s too dry, and you need to spray it with water.
Could do with raising the humidity a bit by putting a wet cloth (warm water) spread out in there.  the more surface dampness there is, the better.  This will raise the humidity to try to avoid the membrane drying out too much.  If it dries out too much, the gosling can´t break through.  If it looks like white paper, it´s too dry, and you need to spray it with water.  

Thanks. It does. I will do that now.
Here is my sweet little egg.

I wet it a little inside, and put a wet paper towel under the egg. "She" is happily cheeping away, but, I am still afraid.
Here is my sweet little egg.

I wet it a little inside, and put a wet paper towel under the egg. "She" is happily cheeping away, but, I am still afraid.
Well, of course you are. some are successful, some not. But that one looks good. Don´t pick at it too much, just keep that membrane dampish. so it can move and tear it. They can take 2 days to hatch, so patience!
Any sign with the other one there?
Well, of course you are.  some are successful, some not.  But that one looks good. Don´t pick at it too much, just keep that membrane dampish. so it can move and tear it.  They can take 2 days to hatch, so patience!  ;)   Any sign with the other one there?

Not even a pip. But, tomorrow is hatch day, so... leaving alone. The picking was done already before I got to it, because, I thought, like a chick, that if they didn't get the membrane off after 24 hours there would be issues...

I make my hubby do the mean and nasty stuffs, cuz it hurts my heart.
Not even a pip. But, tomorrow is hatch day, so... leaving alone. The picking was done already before I got to it, because, I thought, like a chick, that if they didn't get the membrane off after 24 hours there would be issues...

I make my hubby do the mean and nasty stuffs, cuz it hurts my heart.
Well, let´s hope..and when your first one successfully hatches, give it a little mirror so it can imprint on another 'gosling'. that way, when the next one arrives, it´ll know it´s one of its own kind, and be more settled.

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