Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

Looks good. Is it out yet?
Thank you all so very much
Its soo hard, but shes not suffering anymore still i only have one mom. Please pray for us so we can get through this
Thank you
I am SO very sorry, 8. My heart goes out to you. I know the feeling of losing a parent, all too well!

Sorry to hear, 8. My dad died of cancer. Mixed feelings, eh? Relieved for them not suffering anymore, and so sorry for ourselves not to have them anymore.
I'd say most times, yes. When my own dad died, I was too young to really understand. And it took his passing and about 5 years of depression, for me to realize the truth. He had throat cancer, caused by excessive smoking. He went through radiation therapy and it didn't work. So he let go. I was sad and ANGRY for the longest time, not realizing why he refused chemo. I couldn't understand it. And I blamed him for ages for giving up on me.

But while I knew all along, it didn't "hit me" until later. He watched his own mom AND dad go through cancer and chemo treatments. Neither of them worked. I knew chemo made people incredibly sick, and I knew he had to care for both of them as they went through it. And one day it just hit me - he let go because he didn't want me to see him like that. It wasn't that he gave up on me... he made that decision to SAVE me the pain. He knew there was no guarantee it would work, and with his family history, it hadn't worked yet. He didn't want to give me false hope, and go through the pain of chemo with him, just to succumb to it anyway. So by choosing to let go, he became a hero to me.

So while it may not ALWAYS be relief and sadness at first, it all makes sense eventually. And only then do we really start to move on.

And 8, I am so very sorry for everything you are going through. Regardless of what your feelings are about this, just be prepared not to "move on" for a while - take the time to grieve.
I am SO very sorry, 8. My heart goes out to you. I know the feeling of losing a parent, all too well!

I'd say most times, yes. When my own dad died, I was too young to really understand. And it took his passing and about 5 years of depression, for me to realize the truth. He had throat cancer, caused by excessive smoking. He went through radiation therapy and it didn't work. So he let go. I was sad and ANGRY for the longest time, not realizing why he refused chemo. I couldn't understand it. And I blamed him for ages for giving up on me.

But while I knew all along, it didn't "hit me" until later. He watched his own mom AND dad go through cancer and chemo treatments. Neither of them worked. I knew chemo made people incredibly sick, and I knew he had to care for both of them as they went through it. And one day it just hit me - he let go because he didn't want me to see him like that. It wasn't that he gave up on me... he made that decision to SAVE me the pain. He knew there was no guarantee it would work, and with his family history, it hadn't worked yet. He didn't want to give me false hope, and go through the pain of chemo with him, just to succumb to it anyway. So by choosing to let go, he became a hero to me.

So while it may not ALWAYS be relief and sadness at first, it all makes sense eventually. And only then do we really start to move on.

And 8, I am so very sorry for everything you are going through. Regardless of what your feelings are about this, just be prepared not to "move on" for a while - take the time to grieve.
My dad suffered terribly to try to stay alive for as long as possible for my mum. The cancer went rampant in him. He knew she would be in a bad way once he´d gone. And to a degree he was right, but she´s actually much stronger than he ever realised. I think I´d be like your dad. We´re all different, it´s like choosing something awful and something horrid. My dad would have loved to have seen his grandson grow up, he´d have loved to see where we live now, warm climate and space to have geese!

Glad your dad became your hero. They´re all heroes, poor souls, whichever way they deal with it.
Awe. I am so terribly sorry for your loss, 8. I am grieving along with you.

My heart and thoughts and prayers are with you.
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