Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

I need advice on a few different issues this morning. Yesterday 2 of my geese suffered injury. They were grazing along the fence line between my property and my neighbors. He let his pit bill out and the dog ran straight at the fence, crashing into it, causing my geese, ducks, and chickens to panic.(the dog chases his own chickens, he never bites them, he seems to like making them squawk and stuff. I don't approve but nothing I can do as the dog never comes on my property). The chickens and ducks are fine, not injures. But my goose Jasmine suffered a scratch on her bill, just below her developing knob, and Noel, my younger gander, has 2 cuts on the top of his left foot. I cleaned both geese and coated the injures with Blu Kote to prevent the rest of the flock pecking as both have flaps of skin partially hanging off their respective injures. Should I remove the flaps of skin? Besides keeping the injures clean, what else can I do for them? The poor babies were so shaken that Jasmine would not leave my lap. Even Snow pressed his body up against me while I was checking for injures and providing comfort. I ended up having to carry Jasmine with me for a bit, poor girl was shaking and so frightened that she preferred being carried to being left behind. This morning they all seem fine, though none will go near that fence line today, I can't blame them.

My other issue is that Snow is trying to breed my female ducks. And worse yet, one of the ducks, Ivory, is inviting his attentions! I had to intervene because Snow kept her down for an awfully long time and she started to struggle. Snow would not get off her, even when I gently pushed him, so I did have to pick him up to separate them. After a few minutes, that crazy duck got back in the pool with him and invited him back up! Snow has been really good with the ducks, starting to share his pool with the ducklings, ducks, and other geese now. But with Ivory feeling her urges (I believe she is getting ready to start laying, all her sister ducks are laying now) I am worried that Snow could injure the female ducks trying to mate with them. My Cayuga ducklings are A month and a half old. My baby drake is not going to be ready to service the ducks any time soon. Snow is also feeling his urges to mate, his favorite female is Jasmine, but he will got for the ducks now as well. This wasn't a problem till recently, usually the ducks refused to share pools with the geese. 7 of the geese still bite the ducks to drive them from the pool, but Snow hasn't done that for over a month, however, he is usually with a couple of the other geese and so no problem. So i have a female duck and a gander both getting very hormonal. Any advice?
Is Snow trying to mount the ducks while they are all IN the water together?

If so, separate them immediately, or take the pool away!

I lost a Cayuga duck several years ago, because a male pekin wanted to breed with her while she was in the water. He kept her pinned in there too long, and she drowned. If they try breeding in lakes or ponds, BOTH animals start to sink down, and the male realizes he needs to let go. It's also very easy for the female to just swim away, leaving him holding only her neck but not being able to get his feet on her body at all. But in a small shallow pool, where she could be standing on the ground, he starts to feel as if they are on solid ground, he's able to actually PIN her down, and gains the balance he needs to breed with them. So he won't let go like he would in a lake or pond.

And sadly, that's the one reason why these small kiddie pools can be BAD for ducks and geese during breeding season.
My gander mated with my Scovy ducks for 5 yrs till i got him a mate. they didn't mind one bit.

3 weeks old

look lobes lol
Goodness, MLyd, how they´re growing! Look at those little feathers coming through! You soon won´t have any excuse to let them go out in the big wide world! ;)
They will not stay out there with everyone, as soon as they realize I'm not around and peep like crazy and freak out. They are big bullies too, most all the ducks and chickens are afraid of them , but I saw one of my big EE get ready to jump my lil Toulouse this afternoon it screamed and came running to me for protection. lol End of next week they will be moving out to the duck house into their very own stall. I may have to sleep with them.

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