Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

Livin. we should really have the steinbacher convo. in that other thrend!
And how many of you're females are brooding?!
I quite agree.. and at the moment I have 2 older Pilgrim-types sitting on 4 eggs each, (limiting these this year), one young Pilgrim female that´s so determined to have a nest, that I´m leaving her to get on with it, but only with 2 eggs, and two Normandy-types on 12 eggs, which I hope will hatch as I want to see what they produce with the auto-sexing ganders.
The mix-breed pied female looks like she´s looking for a site, so maybe she´ll be next. She´s paired with a pied gander, so I´m looking forward to see if anything comes of that. One mix-breed goose is sitting on dud eggs as I don´t want any from her this year, and her sister likes to sit in the same nest at times, but not laying anything.
That´s fine.
Wow, I have heard of Chinese laying in the fall of the year but this isn't even fall. They make awesome omelets.
Best to make omelettes as the eggs are so small... I´m giving away loads of omelette eggs to my friends here!
And starfire´s geese are so young, too!!!!! About 5 months????????

For some reason your post hasn´t come out, but this is about mini-geese. Some hatchery in the States is starting to breed them, maybe Meyers? Not sure, but I remember I read about it on one of these threads. They look like Shetlands.
thank you Iain.

One day you and me will be swapping buff and white African gosling

i am only starting with Africans

in 3 years most likely i will start selling Africans if i have enough pairs which i am sure i will

If only you were not across the big pond! I'd love to swap eggs with you!

Andrea as i promised here are two ganders that will always keep this unique colour



Well, Snow laid her first egg yesterday!


My two new geese are sitting on 10 eggs between them (7 and 3). I´m hoping that they´re their own eggs, and someone hasn´t done a sneaky one. I´m looking forward to seeing if they really are auto-sexing, aas that´s what I understood them to be when I bought them. Time will tell. 10 days til hatch, or thereabouts. I also have one of my cross-breeds brooding two of these eggs. That makes 12 eggs that I hope belong to them, so I should get a good idea about them.

As you can see, they´re small geese. I also have one of my Pilgrims on eggs.

Beautiful girls.

Been a long time to have gosling this age serv I had forgot how often they molt. Looking forward to what they all look like when finished. And the voice changing is dramatic right now too.

My Toulouse girl is also going through a dramatic voice change. It can sound pretty funny sometimes.

My Muscovy's are starting to molt. the pool today looked like a Muscovy lost all it's feathers.
Ii expected to see a naked Scovy running around.

All three of my adult scovy girls are nearing the end of their 2nd sitting cycle. I checked Weirdo's eggs yesterday and they look ready to internally pip. I hope they don't hatch, but will not be surprised to see a few babies emerging from underneath my front porch sometime next week.

You could do the same thing i did this spring, when i didnt know who was laying. Paint their vents with food coloring and wait, then match colored egg with colored bottom.

That was a really cool trick. Your girls' eggs were very pretty, too.
Today has turned out to be pretty sad. My only Tufted Roman gander, Daddy Tufted, passed away. He had been having problems, which at first i thought was a niacin dificiency when we had a sort of drought and dying grass. After the brewers yeast and tablets only seemed to help a little and no one else was showing signs, then doctoring him for possible toxic poisoning, i thought he had had a stroke. Today he went into a seizure and passed away about an hour ago.
I guess when i am over this i will have to find another Tufted Roman gander before next season. If i am able to find one close that is, finding these 3 were like a needle in a hay stack.
Today has turned out to be pretty sad. My only Tufted Roman gander, Daddy Tufted, passed away. He had been having problems, which at first i thought was a niacin dificiency when we had a sort of drought and dying grass. After the brewers yeast and tablets only seemed to help a little and no one else was showing signs, then doctoring him for possible toxic poisoning, i thought he had had a stroke. Today he went into a seizure and passed away about an hour ago.
I guess when i am over this i will have to find another Tufted Roman gander before next season. If i am able to find one close that is, finding these 3 were like a needle in a hay stack.
I'm so sorry 8.
Today has turned out to be pretty sad. My only Tufted Roman gander, Daddy Tufted, passed away. He had been having problems, which at first i thought was a niacin dificiency when we had a sort of drought and dying grass. After the brewers yeast and tablets only seemed to help a little and no one else was showing signs, then doctoring him for possible toxic poisoning, i thought he had had a stroke. Today he went into a seizure and passed away about an hour ago.
I guess when i am over this i will have to find another Tufted Roman gander before next season. If i am able to find one close that is, finding these 3 were like a needle in a hay stack.
Oh, that´s sad. So sorry to hear that.

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