Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

"Hi everyone! Look! It´s me! I can hold my head up now, just for a little while, then it gets shaky and I have to rest." "The people keep picking me up and giving me yucky water to drink and say my belly´s lookin' good. But my right leg doesn´t work too well, the people say I may need to do more excercises!..."
Hey little one you sure are a good looking goose. The people love you and are trying to help you to get healthy and strong so you can be like those geese and ganders that you see around there. The people are really pretty nice and you are a very lucky little one to have them...and your BYC cheering squad.
Hey little one you sure are a good looking goose. The people love you and are trying to help you to get healthy and strong so you can be like those geese and ganders that you see around there. The people are really pretty nice and you are a very lucky little one to have them...and your BYC cheering squad.
He really appreciates the cheering squad!

For a name I submit Muujiza which is the Swahili word for miracle. Don't know why, just thought it was nice.
Well, if he pulls through, he´ll certainly deserve the name Muujiza!
OMG he's adorable!!! How's the clicking sound??
Still clicking, sounds like crinkly paper as he breathes.
Does seem to have some problem with one leg, it´s weak, wants to turn inwards. Baby pushes itself around with the other leg. I wonder if the goose hurt it when she crushed the egg, but on the other hand, I´ve seen geese walk all over their babies and the babies bounce right back up again! If it continues to survives, it´ll be a special one, that´s for sure. It´s the clicking that I´m mainly concerned about right now. I hope it´s not a sign of lung problems.
In the goose hatching thread by Pete, he mentions the clicking in the egg while hatching, and puts it down to the baby´s trying to breathe with its head all twisted around, but that´s not the case any more....
Vitamin b is the best thing for leg issues. I take a full pill and drop it in a quart of water. I use vitamin b complete it gives them there niacin and really helps with weak legs. I give it to my day old chickens as well as ducks.
Vitamin b is the best thing for leg issues. I take a full pill and drop it in a quart of water. I use vitamin b complete it gives them there niacin and really helps with weak legs. I give it to my day old chickens as well as ducks.
Yes, mine all get Brewer´s Yeast anyway, as there´s no waterbird feed available here. My main concern is this clicking/crackling. It should have stopped by now. The baby´s not making any further progress, even though I brought his bro up to be with him. I think we may lose him after all that. :(
Yes, mine all get Brewer´s Yeast anyway, as there´s no waterbird feed available here. My main concern is this clicking/crackling. It should have stopped by now. The baby´s not making any further progress, even though I brought his bro up to be with him. I think we may lose him after all that. :(
After seeing his pic I thought for sure he was going to make it. I hope he still does, but if not you sure can't fault yourself he has had the best of care.
After seeing his pic I thought for sure he was going to make it. I hope he still does, but if not you sure can't fault yourself he has had the best of care.
I thought he was doing well too, started lifting its head. But it isn´t strong. It´s calls are weaker, it´s still making those noises, and not picking at things as it should. It´s sleeping a lot, too. Maybe the goose damaged its lungs in some way when she crushed the egg. Usually the second day they´re up on their feet and going well, but not this one yet.
I thought he was doing well too, started lifting its head. But it isn´t strong. It´s calls are weaker, it´s still making those noises, and not picking at things as it should. It´s sleeping a lot, too. Maybe the goose damaged its lungs in some way when she crushed the egg. Usually the second day they´re up on their feet and going well, but not this one yet.
Bless it's heart. I sure wish there was something we could do but we all know it doesn't always work that way.

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