Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

Aww that was so nice of you. look forward to seeing these goslings. Did you find the gosling that died?

you have to watch those hubby's. yesterday mine was bleeding the kerosene from the tank and walked off and left the pan with the kerosene in it on the ground where any one of the flock could have walked up and drank some. He JUST wasn't thinking.
She was sat on the gosling in her nest... all nice and cosy ....and dead... These hubbies! It´s a wonder they ever become grandfathers!

I love that you did that for her. its a shame that the little one died, I have a husband that does nothing but complain about my very small flock of birds. he refuses to take part in any way other than helping me build an acceptable house for them (he is a carpenter). he wont even call Forest by her name even though she has lived in our house as a 24/7 family member for 4 months. Dont be too upset at the hubby, at least he mowed the grass and holds the day olds to keep them warm.
Oh, he loves the little goslings.... tells me who´s doing what down there, although he usually gets it all mixed up!
We´ve been married for 36 years, and I´ve had animals and birds for as long as I can remember, so it was a case of 'love me, love my dogs, cats, birds, etc etc'....
After so many years, he´s caught on!

Let´s hope the goose does better with the next ones.....she´s so happy with her two eggs there. Tending them, arranging all the grass around them... sweet little thing.
Well that is annoying!
Sorry Livin, it is annoying when a gosling dies for a silly reason
True, but he wasn´t due until next year!! ;) Next year she´ll be far more ready for a brood, but I think she´ll do ok with the two live eggs I gave her. Looking forward to her goslings next year, though. I hope she breeds with an auto-sexing again. See if she gives us a lavender!
Even though my goslings have crossed over from gozzies to juvies I would like to ask a question since I don't know where else to post it. Today I was sitting up buy the pool with the geese, Sammy was in the pool with Toots and Babe Sam was nibbling on Babe just like he has done with Missy when they were in their breeding season and he has done with Toots since they have been mating, So do ganders nibble lovingly on other ganders like they do their goose ladies? He never mated with Babe but this was the first time I saw this gesture between them. I have the game camera set back up so I can catch any mating I don't now about yet. Also When i put everyone up in the evening Sam is the only one who stands tall in the window watching over the other 3, is it too early for Babe to be exhibiting gander behavior? if she/he is a gander. I thought it was way to early for Toots to be mating to.
That is very interesting. I have not personally seen that behavior between ganders and male juveniles, but ganders can be very loving. Perhaps Babe could be female after all.
Even though my goslings have crossed over from gozzies to juvies I would like to ask a question since I don't know where else to post it. Today I was sitting up buy the pool with the geese, Sammy was in the pool with Toots and Babe Sam was nibbling on Babe just like he has done with Missy when they were in their breeding season and he has done with Toots since they have been mating, So do ganders nibble lovingly on other ganders like they do their goose ladies? He never mated with Babe but this was the first time I saw this gesture between them. I have the game camera set back up so I can catch any mating I don't now about yet. Also When i put everyone up in the evening Sam is the only one who stands tall in the window watching over the other 3, is it too early for Babe to be exhibiting gander behavior? if she/he is a gander. I thought it was way to early for Toots to be mating to.
I´ve not seen it between my older gander and the others, but then he really does keep himself to his ladies...as far as he´s concerned, there are no more geese outside his little family. However, the young ganders do it to each other, and I just figured it´s their way of seeing if the other will submit. If it´s an accepting female, she´ll flatten her back, but if not, and it´s a females, she´ll usually get out of the pool, but if it´s another young gander it seems to continue until one mounts the other, at which point it looks like they´ve bred (haven´t really), or there´s an altercation. Just watch Babe´s behaviour to show whether it´s he/she, not Sam´s.... If Babe actually flattens and stays really still in the pond after doing the dance, then that´s a good sign of a female. My males never do that. But maybe Babe´s just a baby still and doesn´t really know what´s going on....
Mine don´t show any of that behaviour until they´re a lot older....but maybe they´re just slower developers.
That is very interesting. I have not personally seen that behavior between ganders and male juveniles, but ganders can be very loving. Perhaps Babe could be female after all.
Well if she´s a female, P will be so pleased! And although Babe looks a bit macho, well I have birds here that fooled Serv...2 ganders here that look like females, being finer, and one female that looks like a gander, being coarser in looks, but by their behaviour we know what they are.
Well if she´s a female, P will be so pleased! And although Babe looks a bit macho, well I have birds here that fooled Serv...2 ganders here that look like females, being finer, and one female that looks like a gander, being coarser in looks, but by their behaviour we know what they are.

I sure will be pleased if Babe is female. I tell ya these 2 have surprised me especially Toots. lol.. What's funny is at night when I put them to bed babe still makes gozzies noise just like he/she has done from beginning but this gesture from Sam yesterday really surprised me. We shall see I don't think it will be much longer before we'll know for sure. Babe is larger than Missy but Missy is small for a Toulouse goose.

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