Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

Finally got new pics today of my production Toulouse. Not sure if this helps, P.

Indi (adult female):

From left to right.... CJ (juvenile boy), Chicory (father), Beignet (mother), Buttercup (juvenile girl):

Nice looking birds Iain and i love your BrownAfricanXWhiteAfrican gander in backgroud with female Brown African but i am very biased when it comes to Africans :E
How time flies when you are unconsciousness...or raising geese.
I prefer the raising geese jtn
to unconsciousness
I wounder if the Flamboyant would grow in West Texas. I know the Bouganvillia does but it takes a soil additive to get the blossoms the right color. If the Flamboyant would grow here I would plant one in a heartbeat.
Read up and see... I have no idea.
Wow there was a lot of comments anyway make a vid of babe in a month so we can be certain and brazil it is so cool having a big flock ! Also those trees look cool too feminine for me XD
I´ll try to find you a macho tree, serv! ;) OK, Embaúba, a tree that grows really tall in the forests, and sloths like the fruits on it. Not at all feminine. :) The leaves grow huge.

Another BrownAfricanXEmbden male(Lavender) This thrend is kind of Dead!

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