Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

She also does a weird thing with her head when shes talking to the boys. My son thinks there is something wrong with her because it is so different from the scovies. Scovies move their heads around like they are dancing. The cayuga looks like...well i guess that she doesnt know how to dance. she is a healthy duck but her body movements when she is talking to the boys remind me of someone that has neurological problems. It makes more sense now. i didnt realize that personalities were so different depending on breed. The cayuga boy and swedish/cayuga X boy just quack a lot and stick together. they arent interested in mating at all.

What is heat enhancing food? My 3 obe bantams and two silkies live in my living room at night because it has been getting cold. everyone says that they are okay in 40 degree weather but they look cold so i bring them in. i kind of like having a indoor rooster. its entertaining! we cant afford to build anything more permanent so my mom gave us her old 10x20 green house. it has metal poles and a heavy canvas cover. we are lining it with chicken wire before we put the tarp on this weekend. it will be going down to 30 at night. i know everyone has much colder weather, but when your not used to it, 30 (with all the humidity in the air) seems super cold! the green house will do for the winter and then during the summer it will be a perfect safe house for Forest to free range. I dont leave her outside alone (free ranging) because she cant defend herself.
I hope it all works out.
Heat enhancing food would be things like cracked corn, whole corn, BOSS, oats...things that their bodies have to work harder to digest and they generate a little more body heat as a result. I usually give it as a treat right before putting them to bed at night. Makes for a bigger mess to clean up in the a.m. but they are at least warmer.

My Cayuga females do the "I want you so bad" dance to the males. It is a sort of head bobbing up and down and then zig zag back and forth and side to side while they waddle along behind him. Of course he is like "tramp, get away from me...I can't be seen with you". Just something my wacky quackers do.
And it is supposed to snow here tonight. High today was around 45 and that was a midnight last night. We can be packed and ready to go in half an hour. All I need is some thongs for my little fat hens and they are ready for the beach.
And, I am not talking about flip flops.
yep you should have been a stand up comic. Visualizing all our hen laying on the beach in thongs. Course that's better than all of us doing it.
[I don´t know how you guys survive. You´re obviously made of very strong stuff. ;)]

Well I tell ya we're sure finding out how strong a stuff we're made out of . This week we have temps dropping into low teens with highs in the 20's and snow also Even Florida is looking pretty good right now, and I said I'd never live there again after being born and raised there. Hot humid and buggy. But even the bugs are looking pretty good.
Glad to see everyone continuing to chat on this thread. Sorry I'm not posting much these days. Life is a circus lately, but going well. We are still targeting to be in our new house by Thanksgiving and working like crazy to make it happen. But I did want to share that I had my vet, Scott, over yesterday and he checked out the micro duck (sorry I forgot my camera to take pics). He confirms the little one is smaller than a call duck, but looks healthy and happy. He is not sure the cause of the phenomena and believes it is pretty rare. He also examined Spirit and Walter (our elderly African gander that we foster for Scott), who are both doing pretty good considering the extreme winter blast we have been getting recently. Fortunately, we are also building a barn with a special pen just for them to live during winter, so they should both be just fine. In the meantime, we are back to bringing Spirit inside the house at night to avoid frostbite issues, which he clearly seems to appreciate. Hope everyone affected by this arctic blast is staying warm.
Glad to see everyone continuing to chat on this thread. Sorry I'm not posting much these days. Life is a circus lately, but going well. We are still targeting to be in our new house by Thanksgiving and working like crazy to make it happen. But I did want to share that I had my vet, Scott, over yesterday and he checked out the micro duck (sorry I forgot my camera to take pics). He confirms the little one is smaller than a call duck, but looks healthy and happy. He is not sure the cause of the phenomena and believes it is pretty rare. He also examined Spirit and Walter (our elderly African gander that we foster for Scott), who are both doing pretty good considering the extreme winter blast we have been getting recently. Fortunately, we are also building a barn with a special pen just for them to live during winter, so they should both be just fine. In the meantime, we are back to bringing Spirit inside the house at night to avoid frostbite issues, which he clearly seems to appreciate. Hope everyone affected by this arctic blast is staying warm.
I sure hope you make it and know how busy you must be but you bring up one of the things that make BYC people so special. The accommodations you are incorporating into your new home to address special needs of Spirit are such a perfect example of the kindness and compassion you have and all BYC folks seem to have. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving...sounds like you and yours are going to have a lot to be thankful about.
Meanwhile, the auto-sexing flock has its own story.......

Goose goings-on are such an interesting study.
Livin. i agree, I am very entertained with the goings-on of my birds! I like to sit in the middle of the yard and watch them. Is it normal for ganders to adopt the gosies and chase away the moms?

My Cayuga females do the "I want you so bad" dance to the males. It is a sort of head bobbing up and down and then zig zag back and forth and side to side while they waddle along behind him. Of course he is like "tramp, get away from me...I can't be seen with you". Just something my wacky quackers do.
LOL You make me laugh! I have been thinking the same exact thing about my cayuga girl. im going to have to video it so you can see if it is normal or if she is impaired some how.

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