Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

Well I have to tell ya'll this afternoon I was telling Sammy and the girls about the up coming 2014ending and the new2015 hatch along party and he got so excited he went and found his scarf, he's hoping the party will have ice skating in it since he has his down coat on. Doesn't he look dashing?

Hey guys long time no see but I had to come show yall this


MY GEESE LAID AN EGG!!!!! its next to a large chicken egg
Well I have to tell ya'll this afternoon I was telling Sammy and the girls about the up coming 2014ending and the new2015 hatch along party and he got so excited he went and found his scarf, he's hoping the party will have ice skating in it since he has his down coat on. Doesn't he look dashing?

That is too much. How did you get him to stay still long enough to put it on him? If I tried something like the with mine they would be all over me and not in a nice way.
Well I have to tell ya'll this afternoon I was telling Sammy and the girls about the up coming 2014ending and the new2015 hatch along party and he got so excited he went and found his scarf, he's hoping the party will have ice skating in it since he has his down coat on. Doesn't he look dashing?

How cute Miss Lydia!!

Merry Christmas to Everyone from the RURU Sebastopol's

Something I just thought of. At what point does this thread become "Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long"? Will we have a party to put 2014 to bed? Should I start shopping for party hats for my geese?

Last year my last 2x goslings hatched on Christmas day! That wont happen this year. Had 2 hatch out a couple of days ago - one didn't make it. The other is doing fine (at the moment anyways). When I let them all out yesterday - they all left - went foraging - (even those hangers on that were hoping......) so I cleaned out the pen - nests/eggs and all. I haven't been able to do it because half of them have been sitting and it REALLY needed it! So unless someone decides to have another go, there wont be any late babies this year.

Hasn't been a good season for me. Had one hatch early and either a crow or a fox got it. Had lots of developing eggs - but none made it out of their shells. We managed to hatch 2 out n the incubator - mum has them and they're three quarters grown now - big spoilt hand raised babies, and then these late 2. About half the eggs I tossed yesterday had dead chicks in them. Not bad really considering I have one gander and nine geese - he is certainly getting around more than I thought he was!

With any luck I will be able to find another gander before the next breeding season.
Hello everyone! It has been three weeks since I have been on the site! This time of year flies by for me and my computer is still on the fritz...some days it works and some not.

A while back there was a discussion about the geese laying at the wrong times of the year and what is going on with the world!....

Well.. =) I saw a post from a local farmer that she has 5 week old pilgrims!

I am wondering what you guys think about me bringing home a gossie for Forest. She is still very much imprinted to us. We built a 10x20 predator proof run for her and she stays out there for several hours during the day now but still comes inside to sleep. She is to the point of tolerating being in the same run (but fenced off separately) with the ducks and Oliver (maybe her future pil gander) but they chase her and peck at her including Oliver. she is terrified of them and they are mean to her.

Is it possible for her to bond with a gosling? if i were to try it, what would be the best scenario?

is she more likely to bond with a female? 2 females? a male? (all 5 wk old pils)

I am thinking about returning Oliver since I watched him walked over to Forest and try to yank a feather out of her back.

What do you guys think?

@Miss Lydia @livininbrazil @servpolice
Hi, Andrea. You already know what I think on it... I said way back that another female would be good. You didn´t ought to breed Forest anyway, and she may not want to either, being a bit special. and I expect the gander´s confused as to why she´s not being receptive. I´d let Oliver go to a different home and get Forest one little grey 5-wk-old goose.
That is too much. How did you get him to stay still long enough to put it on him? If I tried something like the with mine they would be all over me and not in a nice way.
Sammy is basically a whimp, but trying to hold on to him and wrap that around his neck with 2 6 month olds screaming in you face was a real challenge, Missy ran to the front yard where the pool was so I had to fast run and close the gate to keep Sam from going and jumping in the pool. Actually not only is Sam a whimp but he's also a ham when it comes to pics. lol

He actually laid down and after I finished with him and backed off he just kept laying there like he couldn't walk because he had this scarf tied around his neck .
Last year my last 2x goslings hatched on Christmas day! That wont happen this year. Had 2 hatch out a couple of days ago - one didn't make it. The other is doing fine (at the moment anyways). When I let them all out yesterday - they all left - went foraging - (even those hangers on that were hoping......) so I cleaned out the pen - nests/eggs and all. I haven't been able to do it because half of them have been sitting and it REALLY needed it! So unless someone decides to have another go, there wont be any late babies this year.

Hasn't been a good season for me. Had one hatch early and either a crow or a fox got it. Had lots of developing eggs - but none made it out of their shells. We managed to hatch 2 out n the incubator - mum has them and they're three quarters grown now - big spoilt hand raised babies, and then these late 2. About half the eggs I tossed yesterday had dead chicks in them. Not bad really considering I have one gander and nine geese - he is certainly getting around more than I thought he was!

With any luck I will be able to find another gander before the next breeding season.
Well, what a shame you´ve not had a good year with your goslings. But sounds like your gander´s doing ok... at least the eggs were fertile. Something else caused them to die... could it be to do with the weather there? Anything different this year? This past season my top gander bred with 9 geese too... the younger ganders didn´t get a look-in! We had nearly 20 of his offspring around... and that was after taking most of the eggs away from the younger geese, too! Another busy boy! ;)

Last year my last 2x goslings hatched on Christmas day! That wont happen this year. Had 2 hatch out a couple of days ago - one didn't make it. The other is doing fine (at the moment anyways). When I let them all out yesterday - they all left - went foraging - (even those hangers on that were hoping......) so I cleaned out the pen - nests/eggs and all. I haven't been able to do it because half of them have been sitting and it REALLY needed it! So unless someone decides to have another go, there wont be any late babies this year.

Hasn't been a good season for me. Had one hatch early and either a crow or a fox got it. Had lots of developing eggs - but none made it out of their shells. We managed to hatch 2 out n the incubator - mum has them and they're three quarters grown now - big spoilt hand raised babies, and then these late 2. About half the eggs I tossed yesterday had dead chicks in them. Not bad really considering I have one gander and nine geese - he is certainly getting around more than I thought he was! ;)

With any luck I will be able to find another gander before the next breeding season.

Well, what a shame you´ve not had a good year with your goslings.  But sounds like your gander´s doing ok... at least the eggs were fertile.  Something else caused them to die...  could it be to do with the weather there?  Anything different this year?   This past season my top gander bred with 9 geese too...  the younger ganders didn´t get a look-in!  We had nearly 20 of his offspring around... and that was after taking most of the eggs away from the younger geese, too!  Another busy boy!  ;)

Yes, I've put it down to crazy weather. It wasn't as hot or as cold as it usually is and the rain has been at all the wrong times. I would have liked a gander (to keep) but have a goose instead (she is being well protected by "the mob".

Even friends of mine, who were trying to hatch some out for me with their broody goose, didn't have any luck.

Looking forward to next season already...which is funny because I was completely over it by this time last year.

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