Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

Hi guys everyone seems to be getting ready for more goslings which I wish all luck for but I have just recently got given 3 baby goslings one is a mix and the other 2 are sebastopols they are adorable and are getting on great with my others but don't have them in the same coop yet because of the turkeys and others so will wait and keep you guys updated

What a lovely group, isn't it amazing how the adults or almost adults take to babies that is precious. oh yes keep the other birds away from the lil ones. And such a lovely place to have them. looks like they are doing a great job with the grass to keeping it manicured .
I have an announcement to make:
so exciting :D hope 8 is well .
8GeeseALaying hatched a bouncing baby Girl on Dec. 14, 2014 8lb.13oz. 20 inches long. Mother and baby doing fine...

Congratulations 8!!!

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