Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

OMG I DIDNT KNOW U COULDNT FEED GESSE BREAD MY PAP BUYS LIKE 4 LOAVES OF BREAD A WEEK FOR THEM when he's here of course but either why WHY and my ducks are retarded i haven't had one since august and I got new ones and still no eggs strange right??
A little bread is one thing nate but 4 loaves well that's a bit much. Most bread has no nutritional value at all is only a filler so it isn't doing the ducks and geese much good at all.
Mine over ate, got packed with it and it wouldnt digest. Kind of like kids & candy, too much isnt good for them.
That's so sad.
Oh ok we didn't feed them all at once maybe a half per day for 7 ducks and 35 chooks and the peas and geese so i mean its not bad but GUESS WHAT I GOT MY METZER FARMS GIFT CARD FROM MY PAP NOW I CAN GET 2 SEBBIES AND 6 DUCKIES
Thx and I have 3 fertile in the bator im done hatching bc i have no more orders for them and plus my dad has a girl at work that LOVES goose eggs and she's gunan pay me 2$ per Goose egg so its a start to getting my bator and i also made business cards fir my sing business and my chicken business and my mom and I are going to make some movable coops this week for breeding so fun

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