Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

K thx guys and peas does mean peacocks thats just the nickname im prob gunna have to order my stuff tonight bc i looked and the dates are already backed up into April so i need to get that done I'll tell u what I get!
K thx guys and peas does mean peacocks thats just the nickname im prob gunna have to order my stuff tonight bc i looked and the dates are already backed up into April so i need to get that done I'll tell u what I get!
My ganders as ye know are very in the mating mood which isn't bad but I did catch my young African gander fighting his friend African/Chinese and now they are no longer friends.
Also my two largest african ganders were also fighting (despite my Africans fight year round).
And sloppy Joe is very calm but his brother keeps testing him how strong he is and if they do end up fighting sloppy Joe might not be alpha of his siblings because he has bumblefoot.
So a lot of activity is happening here lately but only with my swan type geese.
My ganders as ye know are very in the mating mood which isn't bad but I did catch my young African gander fighting his friend African/Chinese and now they are no longer friends.
Also my two largest african ganders were also fighting (despite my Africans fight year round).
And sloppy Joe is very calm but his brother keeps testing him how strong he is and if they do end up fighting sloppy Joe might not be alpha of his siblings because he has bumblefoot.
So a lot of activity is happening here lately but only with my swan type geese.
Are you treating Bumble serv. how do you treat? everyone seems to have a different approach.
Actually I haven't seen much mating from mine in the last couple weeks it was Sammy and Toots. Maybe they are resting up for the big season coming up.
They will even stand on the frozen water of their kiddie pool and try, slipping and sliding around, if it wasn't so funny it would be sad...the things that go on here at our farm.
that sounds funny and scary at the same time.

Are you treating Bumble serv. how do you treat? everyone seems to have a different approach.
Actually I haven't seen much mating from mine in the last couple weeks it was Sammy and Toots. Maybe they are resting up for the big season coming up.
yes how does one treat it that allows their geese to free roam? i know they have booties but i cant imagine a free roaming goose wearing them.
who is the person that has spirit the special needs goose? i havent seen anything on the thread from them in a while.
i have a question.

how do i know if my gander Ollie is happy? i am still considering giving him back to the farmer where he came from. he is scared of me unless i have food. he runs from us and is obviously scared anytime we are around. i watch him out the window and he walks around and eats stuff off the ground and gets in the kiddy pool of there is one, but if he sees me watching him he stops and watches me like i am going to eat him. none of the ducks and certainly not Forest and Mandie are afraid of us. he is stuck with the ducks away from Forest and Mandie 98% of the time (unless we are outside with them) i dont trust any of the ducks or ollie around her. she is afraid and i have seen them peck at her. so mandie and forest are kept during the day with a divider of welded wire so they cant get forest or squish mandie, but can see each other.

is this a quality life for ollie being stuck with the ducks away from the geese? if i do decide to keep mandie outside and with ollie, will she pick up his bad traits of being scared? right now she acts imprinted and follows me around like a little duckling.
I apologize that I am not really up to speed on why your Ollie is separate from your girls but I would think he would be happier and friendlier if he was with them.
If the girls are bonded they may stay that way or one may pair off with him, but unless it is breeding season the three of them should hang out together.
Actually after he is with them a while he should protect them.
My experience has been that the one that is distant is drawn in and learns to trust as they see the lack of fear and the amount of trust the others have for you.
I personally don't think I would give him back to a farmer as you never know what may happen to him.
I have my Oliver. I rescued him in 2003. He can barely walk and I occasionally have to pick him up and help him to his feet. He knows I have no ill intentions toward him, will take bread from me although that took quite a while. At first he snatched it very quickly but now he's much nicer about it. Having said that he still has days that he just hisses at me.
It is what it is. I have to deal with him on his level, not mine. Some days do I mumble under my breath " you goofball"? I do.
Reebok, Oliver and Piper

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