Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

I know this isnt Gozie related, but I only talk to you guys and am wondering if you were following this story, What your opinions are. If this is inappropriate, then I dont mind asking on a different thread, or starting a new one.

There should be an updated story out there somewhere ,

but I have been following it on Facebook. Here is the Facebook link.

It really upsets me that this swan died only because of state law. I guess it just really hits home since Florida has similar laws about muscovies.
Such a majestic bird and such a tragedy. I am totally at a loss for words.
I know this isnt Gozie related, but I only talk to you guys and am wondering if you were following this story, What your opinions are. If this is inappropriate, then I dont mind asking on a different thread, or starting a new one.

There should be an updated story out there somewhere ,

but I have been following it on Facebook. Here is the Facebook link.

It really upsets me that this swan died only because of state law. I guess it just really hits home since Florida has similar laws about muscovies.
They did put it down ? That is so sad. and I agree Andrea it's also heart breaking the laws Fla has about the Muscovy's.
Also wanted to tell you how happy I am you decided to keep Ollie. and happy to hear Forest has accepted Mandie that is so precious.
Yes! I am glad too! It makes me not worry about her as much.

They found a home for Promise and then the state forced them to pinion her wings even though her health wasnt the best since she was just hit by the semi truck on I95. Her system couldnt handle the anesthesia. So the law gave the facility an impossible time to try and find a home for her even before she had recovered, then before she was allowed to be re-homed she had to have her wings pinioned. The whole thing is tragic, but I am glad that the facility called the local news which then publicized her story all over the us. It brought so much needed attention to this terrible law.
I hope some good has come of it and it will save more lives of these beautiful birds.
I plan on reading up on it and browsing the learning center, but i am wondering your opinions. I am thinking about buying a small incubator. does anyone have experience with these to know which to get and to avoid?

my criteria is -

big viewing windows or clear base
auto everything- egg turning, air, humidity
under 150.$

i wish i could just throw them in a storage bin with a sponge a thermometer and a light =) i think my success rate will be low.
Hi Andrea, thanks for continuing to follow Spirit's story. He is such a tough guy, but rehabbing a torn acl is challenging for any species, including humans. I do not have any recent pictures of my micro duck, but she is no longer any smaller than my other ducks. She was simply a super slow developer.
I plan on reading up on it and browsing the learning center, but i am wondering your opinions. I am thinking about buying a small incubator. does anyone have experience with these to know which to get and to avoid?

my criteria is -

big viewing windows or clear base
auto everything- egg turning, air, humidity
under 150.$

i wish i could just throw them in a storage bin with a sponge a thermometer and a light =) i think my success rate will be low.
Andrea i know nothing about Bators but quite a few on here use them so hopefully someone with experience will chime in. If we have any babies I let my girls do all the work. Better on my nerves.
I plan on reading up on it and browsing the learning center, but i am wondering your opinions. I am thinking about buying a small incubator. does anyone have experience with these to know which to get and to avoid?

my criteria is -

big viewing windows or clear base
auto everything- egg turning, air,  humidity
under 150.$

i wish i could just throw them in a storage bin with a sponge a thermometer and a light  =) i think my success rate will be low.

Little giant incubators makes what you are looking for. You could probably get one for about $100 with everything you want. They are styrofoam but are durable with two nice sized viewing windows on the lid. I have one that my dad bought 15-20yrs ago its a still air and it is still working great. My newest one is about 5 yrs old its a forced air, same brand, only thing different is it has a small fan for the air. I love both of them. The turner is sold seperate, atleast it was at my feed store. I chose not to get a turner, i like the hands on part of it. I paid about $50 for my newest one and the turner was about $30 extra. The price may vary, my feed store is the only one near by so they get away with jacking up the prices. You could check online for one. Im sure little giant has its own site, also maybe check your local craigslist.
Hi Andrea, thanks for continuing to follow Spirit's story. He is such a tough guy, but rehabbing a torn acl is challenging for any species, including humans. I do not have any recent pictures of my micro duck, but she is no longer any smaller than my other ducks. She was simply a super slow developer.
acl is a tough and painful rehab but many many animals do it with a great success rate! I know that with dogs humans and horses, it is mostly rest, proper taping (or support) and rehab (muscle strengthening) ligaments are a-vascular which mean they take FOREVER to heal properly. i had an (elbow) ligament injury from the job i do and it took a year and a half to fully heal. I know that I read on poultry pedia that activated yeast is really good for leg issues. i dont remember if it was just the niacin or the mixture. i got mine at the health food sore for about 6 dollars. keep me updated with him. I think for now, I am not going to have Forest go through surgery. Now that she is fully grown she does have strength in her hock joint. she hobbles but walks fine and isnt in any pain. i might change my mind as she ages, but as of now quality of life is good.

Andrea i know nothing about Bators but quite a few on here use them so hopefully someone with experience will chime in. If we have any babies I let my girls do all the work. Better on my nerves.
Yes, nerves.... we candled 25 eggs on sunday. which was the third time we had done it. our girl duck decided to freak out and refused to sit on the eggs all night. some of them were very developed but died...we didnt do anything different than the last two times but something we did freaked her out. which is crappy because the whole reason i wanted to let eggs develop was to follow the progress as a science project for my 11yr old homeschooler. =)
the eggs that my other duck was sitting on that continued to sit on got ...."sloshy" inside. maybe she was off them a bit too long? they no longer stick to the egg shell. was that from getting cold? we didnt even bother her eggs until today and noticed it, so it wasnt something we did. but they are on the ground and it did get down to 50 a few nights in a row. i am thinking they got too cold. what do you guys think about eggs sloshing around in the shell all of a sudden? one of them is still clearly moving. i thought that it was just gas bubbles or something but after watching it for a coulple of minutes on the light it was for sure the duck moving.
Little giant
im not sure how i feel about the auto turner. do you have to have it ? i like the hands on idea of it as well, but what if we arent at home and miss a turning? what happens?

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